Ada Colau's decision to break Barcelona City Council's relations with Israel and suspend the twinning with Tel Aviv encourages anti-Semitism and inflicts considerable damage on the city's brand abroad.

The measure has been executed unilaterally by the mayoress of the Catalan capital, thus circumventing the foreseeable rejection of the plenary session


Colau has avoided communicating with the mayor of Tel Aviv -of a Labor sign- and has sent a

ridiculous letter to the prime minister i


Benjamin Netanyahu denouncing the "


that Palestine suffers.

Breaking a twinning forged 25 years ago with Tel Aviv, a city with which Barcelona shares tourist ties and the defense of the LGBTIQ+ collective, is a consequence of the Judeophobia of left-wing populism.

Added to this is Colau's interest in agitating the struggle with Xavier Trias by mobilizing the radical left against a conservative nationalism that has historically been pro-Israel.

The mayoress of Barcelona seeks to cover up the fiasco of her management by stirring up ideological sectarianism.

Israel has replied -in Catalan- that "it will not manage to spoil mutual friendship"


What has been made evident, once again, is Colau's determination to shatter the tolerant and cosmopolitan image that Barcelona cultivated for decades.

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