Solène Delinger 2:09 p.m., February 9, 2023, modified at 2:10 p.m., February 9, 2023

Invited to Louise Aubery's "InPower" podcast on Tuesday February 7, Louane confided in an open heart about the most difficult moments of her life.

The 26-year-old singer, revealed in the show "The Voice" as a teenager, had a lot of trouble managing her notoriety.

Being in the spotlight has generated deep anxiety in the young woman...

At only 26 years old, Louane has already done almost everything: she reached the semi-finals of

The Voice

in 2013, she won the César for best female hope for her role in

La Famille Bélier

two years later, in 2015, she released four albums, went on tour… So the young woman, who recently became the mother of a little girl, naturally “freaked out”, as she revealed on Tuesday February 7 in

Louise Aubery’s 

 InPower podcast.

"My shrink told me to stop"

"Post-tour depression, anxiety attack, social anxiety, I didn't leave my house anymore, it wasn't funny… Besides, it was my shrink who told me to stop. In the end of my second tour, I was supposed to go directly to the third album…", confides Louane.

Was the singer's depression triggered by a particular element?

"It's hard to put your finger on one thing. But you have to imagine that when you are an artist, especially when you are a woman, you are always asked to be the most perfect version of you that exists" , explains the young woman at the microphone of Louise Aubery.


 Louane "unable to love herself": she confides her concerns for her daughter Esmée

“It took me a long time to let go of that”

"When I came on TV, I always knew how to present well, I always knew what I was going to talk about, and it's so smoothed out that I even have a way of speaking that's different from the way I normally speak. “, details Louane before concluding: “I took a long time to detach myself from that”. 

In addition to the stress induced by her notoriety, Louane had to manage the criticism aimed at her physique, and especially her weight.

The young woman managed to take a step back from all that.

"To tell you that it leaves me numb would be a lie. But it only affects five minutes. But overall, I'm straight in my boots, I'm good in my life. I'm happy. I have an incredible guy, an incredible girl . And I'm not going to let embittered people spoil it all“, she explained in the columns of


in December 2021. Now in her head and in her body, the young mother tries to transmit love to her daughter Esme. self.