On February 4th, the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the Kumbum Monastery, located in the Lianhua Mountain Col, Lushaer Township, Huangzhong District, Xining City, Qinghai Province, staged a "jumping short" at the Kumbum Monastery, which can be traced back more than 280 years.

  "Tiaoyue" in Kumbum Monastery is called "Qiang Mu" in Tibetan. It is an important religious ceremony for the purpose of expelling evil spirits and praying for blessings.

  At about 12 o'clock, with the rhythm of dharma horns and drums and cymbals, the performing monks of Kumbum Monastery, wearing various masks of King Kong and beasts, and holding all kinds of magic tools to subdue demons, flocked to the 500-square-meter nine Temple Square.

  The Taer Monastery "jumping" consists of 5 games, which have remained unchanged since ancient times.

  Amidst the rapid sound of drums and cymbals, a group of boy monks wearing skull and bone crown masks and colorful short jackets entered the arena, dancing in the center of the square with the rhythm, with different postures.

  With the sound of the drums, the "Dharma King" opened his arms steadily holding the magic weapon, walked into the venue, and led the "gods" wearing various masks of King Kong and beasts and holding magic tools for subjugating demons to go around clockwise. Dance and pray for world peace, national prosperity and people's safety, and the safety of all beings.

(Produced by Li Jun and Sui Zhiyuan)

Responsible editor: [Song Yusheng]