Time: February 2, 2023

  Content: Notification of the investigation of the Hu Xinyu incident

  Conclusion: Hu Xinyu died by hanging himself, and the body was found in the original first scene of the earth

Hu Xinyu's personal situation

  Hu Xinyu is introverted and gentle, lonely, caring about other people's opinions, seldom communicates deeply with others, lacks emotional support, lacks emotional outlets, and often has thoughts of avoiding the world.

  After studying at Zhiyuan Middle School in September 2022, the psychological gap caused by poor academic performance, coupled with the pressure brought by interpersonal relationships and adolescent impulsiveness, caused Hu Xinyu's mental state to be unbalanced before his disappearance, with a clear manifestation of world-weariness and a tendency to commit suicide.

  There are sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, and difficulty falling asleep after waking up.

  Cognitive dysfunction such as difficulty concentrating and memory difficulties.

  There are emotional problems such as guilt and self-blame, pain, powerlessness, hopelessness, and meaninglessness. She often lies in bed in a daze, and writes negative emotional texts in books and notebooks many times.

dead body

  The body was found in a grain depot in the Jinjishan area of ​​Hekou Town, Qianshan County.

On the inner wall of the fence grows a tree that grows obliquely inward. Hu Xinyu's body was hanged on the raised part of the trunk of the tree, and the hanging point was 4.5 meters above the ground.

  The neck hang of the corpse was formed by joining two white shoelaces.

The toes of the corpse hang down naturally, 1.47 meters above the ground.

  There were no traces of fighting or dragging at the center scene.

  The corpse is highly decomposed.

  There was no hemorrhage in the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, and there were no missing organs in place.

  Common pesticides, rat poisons, hypnotic and sedative ingredients were not detected in stomach tissue and liver tissue.

  The hanging rope is a looper, forming a closed loop around the neck. The remaining skin of the neck is leathery, and a strip-shaped groove can be seen. Bleeding can be seen in the soft tissue at the edge of the groove.

Voice recorder

  There is no artificial synthesis or tampering of the recording content.

  At 17:40 and 23:08 on October 14, 2022, two audio recordings by Hu Xinyu clearly expressed the intention to commit suicide.

  At 17:40 on October 14th, Hu Xinyu stood on the balcony of the 5th floor of the dormitory and tried to jump off the building, hesitating. The recording showed that Hu Xinyu said: "I am a little nervous when I really stand here, and my heart is beating wildly. To be honest, there is no reason, just I don’t think it makes sense, what would happen if I jumped down? I’m not sure. If I jumped down, no one should find out, at least not now, and I will definitely find out after a few days. I didn’t jump just now, hey, I I really want to dance, I don’t want to, I probably don’t want to.”

  At 23:08, the recording showed that Hu Xinyu once again expressed his intention to commit suicide, "It's meaningless now, it's almost midnight, just wait a little longer, just go to death, it's okay, because I'm a little unclear today, and now I really want to go Death feels meaningless."

Video: Jiangxi police report on the inspection and appraisal of Hu Mouyu's recording pen: the audio clearly expresses the intention to commit suicide

Source: China News Network

Core questions and rumors

  The wall of the grain depot is 5 meters, is it possible to enter?

  The grain depot covers an area of ​​92 mu, and the wall is about 5 meters high.

There is a mound of muck immediately outside the wall, the mound of muck is about 1.5 meters lower than the wall, and there are two trees between the mound of muck and the wall, the trees are higher than the wall.

  Why was the body not found until more than 100 days later?

  The grain depot covers an area of ​​92 mu, and the wall is about 5 meters high.

There is a mound of muck immediately outside the wall, the mound of muck is about 1.5 meters lower than the wall, and there are two trees between the mound of muck and the wall, the trees are higher than the wall.

  Four searches have been carried out successively, including visiting the grain depot, searching inside all buildings, and also searching the abandoned factory building of the glass factory next to the grain depot, but the place where Hu Xinyu's body was hanged is located in the grove of about 9,300 square meters in the courtyard. In the area, the search is not in place.

  During the search on the afternoon of November 27, 2022, after completing the search for the abandoned dormitory on the northeast side of the unit, the visiting police went to the wooded depression near the scene of the incident. The area was densely vegetated and no abnormalities were found, so they did not continue the search. .

  The above situation shows that there are still deficiencies in the work, and we will draw inferences from one instance to further improve the work.

  Can the laces carry their body weight for extended periods of time?

  The shoelaces used by Hu Xinyu to hang himself are made of polyester, which is not perishable and has strong tensile strength.

After investigation and testing, the same shoelaces can bear a maximum load of 85 kg under slow stretching.

In addition, over time, the body will lose water and lose weight after decomposition, which prolongs the load-bearing time of the shoelaces, so there is no breakage.

  these are rumors

  Hu Xinyu's "panda blood" issue has been widely spread. After testing, Hu Xinyu has type O blood, not the RH negative blood reported on the Internet.

  Regarding the issue of "both feet parallel to the ground" of Hu Xinyu's body, after the on-site inspection, Hu Xinyu's feet naturally drooped.

  Regarding the issue of "the place where the discovery was not the first scene, the body was hung in the woods later", after investigation and visits, on-site investigation, autopsy, physical evidence inspection and identification, it was determined that Hu Xinyu died by hanging himself, and the place where the body was found was the original first scene.

  Source: China News Network sorting out the content of the press conference