Comedian Hwang Je-seong followed pop star Sam Smith's 'Unholy' music video and became a hot topic online.

[Hello DJ Jeseong.

This is Sam Smith.

I heard that 'Unholy' is becoming a hot topic in Korea.

Thank you so much.]

This video was released yesterday (1st) through SBS radio 'Emperor's Power in the Emperor's Castle'.

Sam Smith called Hwang Je-seong by name and said thank you.

Previously, Emperor Hwang Seong released a cover video for the music video for 'Unholy'.

It was a video made in response to the story that Sam Smith in the 'Unholy' music video resembles Hwang Je-seong among netizens.

Emperor Seong said he thought he was joking when Sam Smith contacted him, and he said he was very happy that he responded.

(Screen source: SNS of SBS Radio 'Emperor's Power in the Emperor's Castle')