Among all the Ile-de-France departments, it is in Seine-Saint-Denis that the average life expectancy was the lowest in 2021. It indeed reaches 84.2 years for women and 78.2 years for men, show data from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).

In Ile-de-France, the figure is respectively 86 and 80.7 years, indicates Actu Seine-Saint-Denis.

By way of comparison, the Ile-de-France department best off in terms of average lifespan is Hauts-de-Seine.

Life expectancy for women is 86.9 years against 82.1 years for the male population.

The work of INSEE has also highlighted that Seine-Saint-Denis is both the youngest and poorest department in metropolitan France.

The territory is also the second most populated in the Paris region.

A report published in 2021 by the Regional Health Observatory had shown significant disparities between the life expectancy of the inhabitants of the different cities of Seine-Saint-Denis.

On average, people live longer in Raincy than in Saint-Ouen, Bagnolet or Saint-Denis.


INSEE predicts more than 90 years of life expectancy in the 2022 generation


Life expectancy: This study reveals the impact of more than 1,800 diseases on human longevity

  • St Denis

  • Ile-de-France

  • Paris

  • Health

  • Statistics

  • Inequality