We owe the tip of the week to Andrea Berg.

"I don't watch any of my TV shows anymore.

Then I don't doubt myself either," she said, according to "Golden Leaf".

We find it understandable;

when we come across Andrea Berg while zapping, we also have serious doubts about her songs.

But we also sometimes doubt ourselves, which is why we now take Berg as a role model and will not read any of our texts again.

Neither does this column.

Jorg Thomann

Editor in the “Life” section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

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A surprising colleague makes up "The Golden Leaf" in Spain's royal family: "Letizia is one of the most famous queens in the world.

But her heart probably still belongs to her journalistic roots,” we read.

"According to rumours, Letizia keeps writing articles for Spanish newspapers under a false name." Unfortunately, it is not revealed what kind of articles these are supposed to be: match reports about Real Madrid?

Angry anti-gender pamphlets?

Or little, nasty gossip stories from the royal house itself?

What the crocodiles know

We learn interesting facts about the African desert from the German nobleman Ludwig Prince of Bavaria.

In Lake Turkana, for example, you can swim well: “Crocodiles live there, but they are very territorial.

That means you always know where they are,” he tells Gala.

But what if, conversely, the crocodiles also know where you are?

In any case, the Bavarian prince sees the blame in the case of possible accidents: "Anyone who thinks they have to go into the water at certain times and in certain places is provoking the animals." That sounds plausible and could be transferred from the desert to the Frankfurt train station district, for example, which is also better avoided at certain times.

Certain species there also behave very territorially.

Andie MacDowell travels a lot, who reveals to "Gala" in a conversation with daughter Rainey: "Since we both travel a lot, our house has almost become a vacation spot." If you can't afford long trips, you might still get that feeling .

You just have to be out of the house as long as possible every day, go for a walk in bad weather or to the pub, and in the end your own measly pad may seem like the Ritz.

When you have nothing

If you are in financial need but prominent, at least one trip to Australia to the jungle camp beckons.

The former candidate Eric Stehfest basically sees this as a soul-cleansing experience, as he says to “Bild”: “All the consumption, the impressions that just hit you via cell phone.



that can be overwhelming.

The jungle brings you back to what it's like to have nothing.” Well, saying you don't have anything there is definitely not true, for example this week it was Pig Brain and Camel Lung.

Buzz Aldrin would have no problem getting along in the jungle, after all he was on the moon – albeit, tragedy of his life, only as a second person.

As we can see from "Bild", he took part in the dance show "Dancing with the Stars" in 2010 and finished tenth;

at least, one thinks, not second again.

In one thing, however, Aldrin has long since surpassed Neil Armstrong: On his 93rd birthday, he married his fourth wife, 30 years his junior, and feels "as excited about her as teenagers eloping."

NASA should take good care of their rockets.

We find it obvious and yet unfair that "Bild" calls Aldrin the "Prince Harry of the Universe".

Did he hit one aboard Apollo 11?

Did he trudge across the moon in a Nazi uniform?

Has he left his astronaut team

Abi and noodles

Dieter Bohlen, who has been making headlines for days, has docked again on the home planet RTL.

"Have you done anything normal?

Or did you just graduate and get noodled?” Bohlen did not ask Prince Harry this question, but a 22-year-old candidate on “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, who had previously appeared in some dating formats.

The excitement is great, and we ask ourselves what Bohlen would find so bad about such a path in life: Not everyone can do that by the age of 22 and have passed their Abitur extensively.

What also surprises us: Nobody other than Bohlen himself has bothered us with all sorts of pasta variations for years, presented his pasta breaks in "Bild" and had fun with women who the boulevard later called "carpet sluts" (Bohlen himself but never carpet noodles).

So now he's supposed to let the youngsters roam around nicely.

And with that pasta, uh, basta.

Katja Krasavice is frustrated with her jury colleague: "It's almost impossible to change men over 50, even if I fight for it every day," she complains in "Bild".

And then we would contradict her: We know many men, including ourselves, who have changed even after their fiftieth birthday.

Though not necessarily for the better.