No, the Ministry of the Interior does not plan to renew the driving license every five years, nor to make this renewal payable, contrary to an intox circulating on social networks.

"[It's] the end of the lifetime license from the summer of 2023," reads this message, which has been seen more than two million times on Twitter since it was published on January 24.

Emmanuel Macron is going to reform the driving license, it will have to be renewed every 5 years, [it will] of course be paying.


This message was not posted by an official account, but by an anonymous account, which does not provide any source for this supposed change.


Contacted, Road Safety denounces “fake news”.

She specifies that “there are no plans to date” to modify the rules for holding the permit.

The question of the end of the lifetime license was reopened ten days ago.

Pauline Déroulède, a young woman who had lost a leg after being run over by an elderly driver, announced at RMC that the Ministry of Transport "is working on alternative forms of mobility", so that the elderly are no longer dependent of the car.

The high-level sportswoman is campaigning for drivers to have medical visits at regular intervals throughout their lives.


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