China News Service, Liuzhou, January 28th, title: "Returning Geese" in the depths of Miaoshan Mountain in Guangxi: Retaining talents is the hope of the countryside

  Author Li Jiaoyang Liu Juncong Wei Guozheng

  On the 28th, the depths of Mt. Damiao was still a sea of ​​green.

This once extremely impoverished area is beating with colors of hope.

  It takes about three hours to drive from the downtown area of ​​Liuzhou City, Guangxi to Jiangmen Village, Anjun Township, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County.

Between the mountains, clear spring water flows down the river.

Alongside the scattered terraced fields, contiguous Miao villages are built along the mountains.

There are many mountains and few lands, which is an "examination question" with a long history in Taoism.

The picture shows Yang Ning being interviewed by a reporter from

Photo by Liu Juncong

  In the past, most of the young labor force in Jiangmen Village went out to work, leaving behind mostly old people, women and children.

Yang Ning, who returned to his hometown as a "village official" the year he graduated from university, was an exception.

  "In those days, we said, 'The golden phoenix flew out of the Miao Mountain', which meant that I was admitted to a university." Yang Ning said that it was her wish to find a decent job and take root outside the mountains.

  However, while the life in the city is becoming more and more prosperous, the villagers in the deep mountains are still working hard for food and clothing.

Compared with the prosperity of the urban area, the poverty of Jiangmen Village is more concrete.

"The villagers can't even afford a bowl of noodles for a few yuan, and they can eat meat at most once a month. At that time, they thought that they must find a way to do something." Yang Ning said.

With the support of her grandmother, she decided to stay in her hometown.

  At that time, mountains besieged Jiangmen Village's vision, and poverty intensified and blocked it.

"When I first returned to the village, not to mention the property, even the payment of agricultural insurance, I had to go door to door with a calculator to settle accounts for them." Yang Ning recalled.

  In order to break the vicious cycle of poverty and isolation, Yang Ning began to lead the villagers to develop industries.

Growing peppers, selling watermelons from spring water, opening agricultural product processing factories... She counted on her fingers, and the attempts she and hundreds of villagers have made to get rid of poverty have mixed success and failure.

The picture shows Yang Ning (middle) convening the villagers to discuss the construction of the mountain spring water plant. Everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles.

Photo by Liu Juncong

  The first few failures made Yang Ning face a "crisis of trust".

With the sales of Zihei Xiangnuo, spring watermelon and other products, the wallets of the villagers gradually swelled up, and their trust in Yang Ning was gradually regained.

  "I think failure is like walking. If you fall, you must dare to stand up and move forward. If you fall, you must break your way." Yang Ning said firmly.

It took ten years to "throw" the road together with the villagers.

In 2020, the annual per capita net income of Jiangmen Village will exceed 8,000 yuan, and the whole village will be lifted out of poverty as a whole.

  Yang Ning, 38 years old, is the director of the village committee of Jiangmen Village.

Almost every day, she has to answer hundreds of calls.

On the other end of the phone, the most frequently asked question by villagers is what other projects can make money.

  Recently, she has been busy with the mountain spring water plant project in the village.

Villagers participate in the form of subscription shares, and can receive dividends in the future.

This is another attempt by Jiangmen Village to get rich.

  "There are already many brands of mineral water on the market, why should others buy our water?" When Yang Ning and the villagers sat around the fire, the villagers asked her.

"Because our mountain spring water is water with stories, not only 'happiness water', but also 'inspirational water'." Yang Ning replied with a smile.

At this moment, Yang Ning and the villagers see hope in each other's eyes.

The picture shows Yang Ning (left) talking with villagers.

Photo by Liu Juncong

  "The villagers didn't trust the attempt more than ten years ago. When I planted spring watermelons, I wrote a guarantee letter. This time, the enthusiasm of the villagers to subscribe is very high." Yang Ning said that according to estimates, the mountain spring water plant needs to raise funds for operation. About 5 million yuan of funds, according to the current villagers' share subscription intentions, the funds that can be raised have far exceeded 5 million yuan.

  In Yang Ning's eyes, Jiangmen Village now has a promising future.

And this undeveloped future also kept her awake at night.

"What if no one comes back? We are getting old, who will take over?" These questions that have worried her countless times have answers in 25-year-old Liang Yinglin.

  When Liang Yinglin was admitted to university, her family had just been lifted out of poverty.

When she returned to her hometown, Jiangmen Village had lifted the whole village out of poverty, and she, as a backup cadre of Jiangmen Village, walked side by side with Yang Ning.

  "Now a rural revitalization industrial park has been built in the village, and the construction of the park can drive the development of more industries." Liang Yinglin said that she will enter the enterprise system to learn management knowledge and better promote rural construction.

  Yang Ning was pleasantly surprised to see that the people who used to go out now kept going home.

"I can take care of the elderly and children, and earn money at home. Not only food and clothing, but also spiritual prosperity. I think the hope of the countryside is to keep people." Yang Ning said with a smile.
