(Go to the grassroots level in the New Year) Holidays are not closed: Guangshan high-speed rail long-track Spring Festival "supply guarantee war"

  Chinanews.com, Guangzhou, January 27th, title: Holidays are not closed: Guangshan high-speed rail long-track Spring Festival "supply guarantee war"

  Author Ma Liangliang Cheng Sijia Guo Jun

  "Attention everyone, the rail welding operation is now starting..."

  At 8:50 on January 25th, with the announcement of Hu Jie, the foreman of the rail welding team, in the rail welding base, there were "clang bang" sounds of rails passing on the roller table, welding sparks shooting out, grinding and grinding sounds, etc. Echoing each other, the clarion call for a new day of rail welding work was sounded.

  During the Spring Festival, in order to ensure the construction period, the Guangzhou-Shantou high-speed railway will not close.

As the supplier of long rails for the construction of the Guangzhou-Shantou high-speed railway, more than 150 employees in the Honghai Welding Rail Base of the Guangzhou Public Works Overhaul Section of the Guangzhou Railway Group gave up holidays and rest, stuck to their posts, and continued to fight.

Panoramic view of Red Sea Rail Welding Base Photo by Ma Liangliang

  At 9:00, in the welding rail room, Chen Haifeng, the operator of the welding machine, focused on his expression, and quickly moved the command handle on the operating table to connect the two 100-meter-long steel rails head to tail and fix them in the welding machine. When the welding start button is pressed, two GAAS80/580 welding machines quickly spray out welding spatter.

  "In this 'supply guarantee war', we must guarantee the supply and quality. The welding machine station is a key position in the entire welding rail production line." Hu Jie, who has 10 years of experience in welding rails, has his eyes fixed on the welding machine. From time to time, he observed the state of the inside of the welding machine and the weld seam of the rail, and told Chen Haifeng.

  At 10:20, in the inspection room, the joints with a temperature of up to 200 degrees Celsius had just been delivered, and Huang Shihua, who was in charge of welding appearance quality inspection and welding seam marking printing, was busy.

He skillfully picked up the mirror to look up, bend down, stand up, and lean over to inspect the appearance of the weld in all directions. He also picked up a tool ruler to measure the amount of misalignment of the weld. After passing the inspection, he stamped the weld mark and sent it out of the inspection room.

In one day, Huang Shihua had to repeat the process more than 60 times and bend over more than 400 times.

During the inspection, Huang Shihua was measuring the amount of misalignment of the weld.

Photo by Ma Liangliang

  "Huang Shihua is our best 'nail house'. Since the rail welding base was built, he has been working in the rail welding base. In the past 15 years, the joints inspected by him are guaranteed to have no problems!" Colleagues in the rail welding base all said Congratulations to this master.

  At 10:45, in the finishing shift, Qi Lin, an operator, was meticulously operating the handle and controlling the pressure hammer to carry out fine straightening of the rails.

Push in and push out, press down and push up, scan and measure, adjust the distance between fulcrums... After one shift, Qi Lin has to repeat the above operations more than 600 times.

  "The key to the fine straightening operation is the word 'fine', and there is no difference." Qi Lin said that in order to master the technical process of fine straightening, he studied and pondered carefully, and asked his master for advice when he encountered something he didn't understand.

This time, in order to ensure the construction of the Guangshan Railway during the Spring Festival travel season, Qi Lin actively responded to the call of the workshop and rushed back to Guangzhou from his hometown of Harbin before the New Year's Eve.

  "The front is good, the back is good, and the central control rail can be lifted..."

  At 11:10, in the rail storage yard, Zhang Weizheng, the loading command operator, was organizing the loading of 500-meter-long rails. I saw a group of hoisting truss trucks hoisting the 500-meter-long rails onto the long rail cars. The scene was very spectacular. The hoisting was completed The long steel rails will be urgently sent to the track-laying site of Guangshan Railway during the Spring Festival.

  "As an important part of the seamless line, long rail welded joints must ensure a 100% factory pass rate." Shi Guanglei, director of the Red Sea Welding Rail Base, who is checking the progress on site, said that with the popularization of seamless lines, the line has been eliminated. Rail joints, the "bang bang bang bang" sound that passengers were familiar with in the past disappeared when the train was running.
