In January's monthly economic report, the government lowered its assessment of the economic outlook for the first time in 11 months.

This was due to the drop in exports due to the spread of the new coronavirus in China.

On the 25th, the government held a meeting of related ministers and compiled the monthly economic report for January.

Under these circumstances, the overall economic outlook was revised down from "moderately picking up" until last month to "recovering moderately, although weakness has been seen in some areas recently."

This is the first time in 11 months since eating out was depressed due to the spread of Omicron strain infection.

The main factor is the decline in exports.

By item, "exports" is "weak recently" due to factors such as the impact of the spread of infection in China on local production activities, and the decline in exports to Asia due to the worldwide decline in demand for semiconductors. I'm in," and lowered the judgment.

On the other hand, "personal consumption" is "gradually slowing down" due to the fact that the spread of the new corona infection has weakened the trend of depressing service consumption such as travel and accommodation, and the use of transportation during the year-end and New Year holidays is approaching the level before the corona. I'm picking up."

As for the outlook, it is necessary to pay close attention to the effects of a slowdown in the Chinese economy due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, as well as rising prices and fluctuations in financial markets.