, Linyi, January 25th (Sha Jianlong, Chen Xiutao, and Wang Wenjie) Jade Rabbit presents auspiciousness to welcome the New Year, and traditional culture pays homage to the New Year.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, the urban and rural areas of Linshu, Shandong Province are full of joy. Literary and art lovers play waist drums, step on dry boats, dance long dragons, sing and dance, and celebrate the New Year together. Traditional cultural performances are dressed in a strong New Year flavor .

  In the Cangma Mountain Scenic Area, a folk performance team from Canglongju, Linshu Sub-district performed in full costumes. Long dragons celebrated the New Year, and the Yangko team helped out, twisting out a new style of rural revitalization and dancing a new atmosphere of Linshu's development. The wonderful performance attracted tourists to come to see the show off.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, the urban and rural areas of Linshu, Shandong are filled with joy. The picture shows a folk performance.

Photo courtesy of Linshu Financial Media

  Under the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree in Guanshan Scenic Area, Linshu County's 2023 "Sending Opera to the Countryside" cultural performances for the benefit of the people were splendid. Yearning for a better life and sincere blessings to the motherland.

The wonderful performances displayed the charm of traditional culture and added a festive atmosphere to the Spring Festival.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, the urban and rural areas of Linshu, Shandong are filled with joy. The picture shows a Hanfu performance.

Photo courtesy of Linshu Financial Media

  In the Red Zhu Village Tourist Area, Hanfu performances, Sichuan opera face-changing performances, intangible cultural heritage willow weaving and other activities are colorful. Folk stalls, flower and bird paintings, clay figurines, flower windmills, and sugar paintings are all available, attracting many tourists. Share the joy of the New Year.

The picture shows the non-heritage display.

Photo courtesy of Linshu Financial Media

  In Gulonggang Village, Laozhi New Village, Daxing Town, Xubuqian Village, Zhengshan Street, etc., the villagers spontaneously held parties and Peking Opera performances. .

The picture shows a party organized by the people themselves.

Photo courtesy of Linshu Financial Media

  During the Spring Festival, Linshu County meticulously organized a culturally rich "New Year's Gift", "Sending Operas to the Countryside", "Cultural Benefiting the People Season" and "Village Evening" in turn. In the lively atmosphere, a festive and peaceful festival atmosphere is created, which makes the people liven up the new year and greatly enriches people's spiritual and cultural life.
