After a successful Guldbaggegala, to say the least, Ruben Ösltund's "Triangle of sadness" is now nominated in three categories for the Oscars in March.

The satirical comedy has a chance to pick up statuettes for Best Original Screenplay, Best Director and, in the heavyweight category, Best Film.

Kulturnyheterna's film critic Fredrik Sahlin compares the performance to one of Sweden's greatest filmmakers of all time.

- It's huge, it's actually unique.

I can conclude that it is Ingmar Bergman level on this.

Earlier this year, the film was praised at the Cannes Film Festival where it was awarded the Palme d'Or, which was Östlund's second.

According to Sahlin, it is the biggest prize in the film world and now he believes that there is a risk that Östlund's ego will grow further.

- If he gets one or more Oscars, his ego, which is already uniquely large, will grow all over Gothenburg, jokes Sahlin.

"Thought it was too hearty"

But the nominations are nevertheless still unexpected as the film's second act is gut-wrenching and contains a long scene in which the guests on a luxury yacht cascading vomit for several minutes.

- It was a bit surprising, there are vomit orgies and diarrhea cascades and I thought it would be a bit too rough for the American jury.

But more recently the jury has been expanded and there has been more diversity, so that may be an effect of that.

The Oscar statuettes will be awarded to the winners during the gala on March 13.

Here you can read Kulturnyheterna's review of Triangle of sadness.