A study session was held in Tokyo on the 23rd to learn about the latest technology in order to help people who came to Japan from Ukraine to find employment in Japan as the evacuation life is prolonged.

About 10 Ukrainians who attended the study session, organized by a private organization helping refugees from Ukraine, learned about a technology called NFT.

NFT is a certification technology that proves that products sold in the digital space are not copies but originals, and works of art with NFTs are sold all over the world.

After creating digital art using a dedicated site, the participants completed their own works by attaching NFTs and converting them into data.

A woman who participated said, "While thinking about Bucha, where she lived, she created the work in the hope that the war would end. It was my first experience, but I would like to continue making it." .

Mr. Seiichiro Kabashima, who served as a lecturer at the study group, said, "I want people to learn this technique, deliver their thoughts to the world, and use it in their lives."