Changjiang Daily News (Reporter Wang Chunlan, Correspondent Cui Yi and Zhou Qishu) Reunion during the Spring Festival, visiting relatives and friends, and sending blessings during the New Year are traditional folk customs in our country.

At present, my country implements "Class B and B control" for new crown virus infection. Gao Hongfeng, director of the emergency department of Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, reminded that the increase in the flow of people and gatherings during the Spring Festival will further increase the risk of new crown virus infection and various respiratory diseases. Crowds should be cautious when going out to pay New Year's greetings.

  ■ Four types of special groups cautiously go out to pay New Year greetings

  Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Since last year, there have been co-epidemics of new coronavirus infection and influenza in many places around the world.

The clinical manifestations of both respiratory diseases include fever, body aches and respiratory symptoms.

All groups of people are susceptible to the new coronavirus and influenza, but the following special groups need to pay special attention to prevention. It is recommended to reduce going out to pay New Year's greetings, especially not to go to crowded and closed places.

  older people.

The elderly are the key population at high risk after infection with the new crown and influenza, and they are also the key population for protection.

  chronic disease group.

Patients with basic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have poor immunity and are susceptible to the new coronavirus and influenza. They have a high prevalence rate, rapid disease progression, and more severe disease Higher level is also the focus of protection.

  pregnant woman.

Pregnant women are in a special period. If infected, it will not only affect the health of the mother-to-be, but may also affect the health of the fetus.

  Infants and toddlers.

Infants and young children have immature body organs and poor body resistance. After some infants are infected with the new coronavirus, they may develop fever, hypotension or shock, coagulation disorders, and acute gastrointestinal symptoms, which are likely to cause danger and require more precautions.

  Gao Hongfeng suggested that these four groups of people should reduce going out to pay New Year greetings during the Spring Festival, especially not to go to public places with closed spaces and crowded people; if relatives and friends have symptoms such as fever and cough, they should avoid visiting them; try to reduce participation in gatherings such as chess and mahjong.

  ■ These protective details are also important

  What should the four types of special people pay attention to if they really need to go out to pay New Year's greetings?

Gao Hongfeng reminded to pay more attention to these aspects:

  Remember to wear a mask and wash your hands frequently.

Masks are the first line of defense against respiratory infectious diseases. If you really need to go out, you must insist on wearing masks and do good hand hygiene.

If your hands have been in contact with public items, do not touch your eyes, mouth, or nose before washing your hands.

  Reduce the gathering of many people.

If you really need to get together with relatives and friends, it is recommended to choose a well-ventilated place.

Special groups should reduce contact with others and reduce going to various markets, temple fairs, shopping malls and other crowded places.

If there are too many people in the family of relatives and friends, the risk also needs to be assessed.

  Maintain good living habits, stay away from alcohol and tobacco, and pay attention to rest.

During the Spring Festival reunion, it is recommended to use serving chopsticks, eat less big fish and meat, do not smoke, reduce drinking, and do not stay up late for fun, so as not to reduce the body's immunity.

  Do a good job of self-monitoring.

Daily self-health monitoring should be done, and body temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar should be monitored regularly. The elderly and chronic disease groups should take medicines on time according to the doctor's advice.

If you have persistent high fever, difficulty breathing, etc., you should seek medical attention in time.

  "Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health. Everyone must take care of the details according to their own conditions and spend a healthy and peaceful Spring Festival together!" Gao Hongfeng said.