, Yiyang, January 22 (Song Mei Zengzhi) "Since the establishment of this smart granary in 2020, we have reduced the number of 'grain guards' on duty during the Spring Festival by 30%. With the help of the smart system, we can also check the real situation inside and outside the granary 24 hours a day. Realize grain 'visible and manageable', and greatly reduce the work intensity of keeping grain." On January 22, in the intelligent control computer room of Nanzhouqiao National Grain Reserve Center in Nanxian County, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, Xiao Boxiang, the person in charge, Just like the Spring Festival, stick to your post and guard the "granary".

Every "grain guard" can master modern grain guard skills.

Photo by Song Mei

  But what is different from previous years is that this year’s grain depot storage has been intelligentized. He and his colleagues can take turns on duty, sit in the computer room and click the computer mouse to check the grain storage status and supervision information of the entire warehouse; If the temperature and humidity of the granary are abnormal, the intelligent system will automatically alarm and remind the staff on duty to deal with it in a timely manner according to the intelligent feedback.

  As the main grain-producing area in Dongting Lake District, Nan County is a national commodity grain production base county, one of the top 100 grain-producing counties in the country, and a national demonstration county of the "China Good Grain and Oil" action plan.

In recent years, in order to improve the quality of grain and strengthen the modernization level of the management of the national reserve granary, Nan County has focused on the shortcomings of grain storage hardware and software facilities, focusing on the "National Grain Reserve Center", accelerating the construction of "smart grain depots", and introducing modern grain storage equipment And intelligent system, and simultaneously carry out intensive training for "grain keeper" to ensure that every "grain keeper" can master modern food keeper skills.

The whole process of storage in the grain depot has been intelligentized, and the computer can easily check it.

Photo by Song Mei

  At present, the reserve center has achieved all-weather centralized monitoring and risk warning without blind spots. The whole process traces the management of grain quantity, quality, and storage business.

In 2022, the warehouse capacity of the reserve center will reach 25,000 tons, and the grain storage rate will reach 100%. The second phase of 25,000 tons is under construction and is expected to be put into use before the end of the year.
