[Explanation] On January 20, more than 60 international students from Guangxi University for Nationalities and Chinese teachers made sachets, guessed lantern riddles, and made dumplings together to experience a different kind of "Chinese Year" and feel the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture.

  [Commentary] An Ning, a Lao student studying abroad, is celebrating the Chinese New Year at school for the second time.

On that day, she was well-dressed and dressed in traditional Lao costumes to preside over the cultural performance of the day.

An Ning said that she met many warm-hearted friends during her study in China, and this time she also experienced Chinese culture in the strong flavor of the New Year.

  [Concurrent] An Ning, an overseas student from Laos

  We only celebrated the Songkran Festival in April, which is our New Year in Laos.

This time is also a new experience, it feels like living with family members.

  [Explanation] Ye Zhengqing, a student from Indonesia, has not returned to China for three years.

In an interview with reporters, he introduced that there are many Chinese in Indonesia, who have brought traditional Chinese culture and customs to the local area. He has also experienced some Spring Festival culture in Indonesia, but in China, the sense of ceremony is stronger and the atmosphere of festivities is stronger.

  [Concurrent] Indonesian student Ye Zhengqing

  Because I spend the Spring Festival with my friends, teachers, and classmates in China, and with my family in Indonesia, but we also have a good time in China, because we also (have) many foreign students and have fun together, and then I I also learned how to make dumplings, although I didn't make them very well.

  [Explanation] At the event site, Vietnamese student Nguyen Thi Yuan Shu quickly made a dumpling, and his movements were very agile.

She told the reporter that this was her first time in China to celebrate the New Year, and it was also the first time she made dumplings. In previous years, she made dumplings for the New Year in Vietnam.

  [Concurrent] Vietnamese student Nguyen Thi Yuan Shu

  I have never made dumplings in Vietnam before. Today is the first time I make dumplings. I feel very interested. I feel that making dumplings is very good. It means that everyone sits together and feels like a family, making dumplings and eating together.

  [Explanation] Zhuang brocade cloth is filled with wormwood, and then sewn with needlework, a sachet can be completed without cumbersome procedures.

The sewing of sachets is a bit difficult for Chen Shici, a Malaysian student who has never done needlework.

  [Same period] Chen Shici, an international student from Malaysia

  It is also the first time for me to make this wormwood sachet (bag). It is a little difficult for me to sew, because I have not sewed much. (Sachet) seems to have another meaning in China, which is Auspicious, and then keep us safe and healthy.

  [Concurrent] Zhou Yanxian, Dean of the School of International Education, Guangxi University for Nationalities

  In order to let the students experience our traditional Chinese Spring Festival garden activities, we also prepared nearly 200 crossword puzzles for them. The crossword puzzles include guessing characters, idioms, animals and so on.

  [Explanation] It is understood that Guangxi University for Nationalities is one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in China to carry out exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries. It has enrolled and trained nearly 20,000 students from ASEAN countries in China. It is a university in Guangxi that recruits more students from ASEAN countries.

According to the introduction of the school, more than 90% of the international students enrolled in the school are from ASEAN countries.

  Reported by Chen Yanyou and Huang Yanmei from Nanning, Guangxi

Responsible editor: [Wang Kai]