With the Spring Festival approaching, many people choose to return home by car. Recently, the traffic control departments in Huanggang, Xinjiang, and Shihezi, Xinjiang,

announced that in

long- distance driving, in addition to avoiding fatigue driving, drunk driving, etc., you

should also pay attention to avoiding "drug driving".


  Cough after "yang"

  Such ingredients are the easiest to "drug drive"

"Drug driving" simply refers to the behavior of driving after taking drugs that affect driving safety.

Some drugs can cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred response, double vision and other adverse reactions after taking them, thus endangering driving safety.

  "Recently, the number of consultations on the use of cough medicines has reached a new high. Some patients reported that they are prone to sleepiness after taking cough medicines, because

some cough medicines contain chlorpheniramine, which is what we often call chlorpheniramine.

" Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhang Yanli, deputy director of the Pharmacy Department of Dongfang Hospital, said.

  In a previous live broadcast of the Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission, Li Zhiling, deputy director of the Pharmacy Department of Shanghai Children's Hospital, reminded that

among the commonly used compound cold medicines, those with the word "min" usually contain anti-inflammatory drugs such as chlorpheniramine. Allergic ingredients,

these ingredients can inhibit the central nervous system of the human body, resulting in fatigue, drowsiness, drowsiness or blurred vision, dizziness and other symptoms.

  Chlorpheniramine is mainly used to treat rhinitis, skin and mucous membrane allergies, and relieve cold symptoms such as tearing, sneezing, and runny nose.

Daily medicines such as Ganmaoqing, Gansukang, Sukeganmao, Phenol Mameimin, Ammonium Mamimin, Chlorphene Huangmin, Zhongganling, Compound Ganmaoling, Compound Methoxyphenamine, Ketraling, Kangle Rhinitis, Nasal Comfort Chlorpheniramine is contained in medicines for colds, antitussives, and rhinitis.

  Zhang Yanli introduced that chlorpheniramine is the first-generation antihistamine drug, which can pass through the blood-brain barrier and combine with histamine to exert anti-allergic effects.

Chlorpheniramine can cause drowsiness and reduce people's attention and alertness. Make a person feel tired or lethargic.

Therefore, after taking cough medicine, rhinitis medicine or cold medicine containing chlorpheniramine, you must be careful not to drive a vehicle to prevent "drug driving", which threatens driving safety and induces traffic safety accidents.


  Not only chlorpheniramine

  Be careful with these drugs

  It is understood that the World Health Organization lists

7 categories of drugs that may affect safe driving after taking them,

and proposes that driving should be prohibited after taking the above drugs, including: hypnotic drugs that affect the nervous system, nausea and vomiting reactions or allergic reactions Antihypertensive drugs, painkillers, stimulants, drugs for epilepsy, and certain antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs.

  "Be sure to read the instructions when taking the medicine." Zhang Yanli reminded that

in the precautions and taboos of some medicines, there will be the words "

do not drive planes, vehicles, boats, engage in high-altitude operations, mechanical operations, and operate precision instruments after taking the medicine". When you reach this tip, you must avoid driving.

The timing of the effects of different ingredients in different patients can vary widely.

If you must drive, you generally need to wait for the concentration of the drug in the human body to drop to a certain level before driving.

At the same time, some drugs will have a greater impact on patients who drink alcohol or take insomnia drugs. "In fact, many drug instructions are quite lengthy, and patients often don't have the patience to read them carefully, but for travel safety, we must pay attention to these details." Zhang Yanli said .