Drag Story hour was founded in San Francisco in 2015, by artist, actor, writer and gay activist Michelle T. Now, Story hour is a global movement with about 50 local chapters around the United States but also found in seven different countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, Mexico, Denmark and Sweden, not least.

- It is important that children are exposed to a diversity of identities - important with queer role models, especially in the US where the LGBTQ movement is heavily involved, says Jonathan Hamilt, co-founder of Drag story hour in New York.

"Great support"

The Swedish storytimes started in 2017 but have recently been subjected to threats.

Last fall, the story time in Olofsström had to be canceled due to threats, and in Malmö the event had to be monitored by security guards.

Jonathan Hamilt believes the attacks on the gay movement are something that has existed for a long time. 

- Unfortunately, the hate campaigns get a lot of attention in the media, but the fact is that we get a lot of support from many ordinary people, he says and continues:

- Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to survive as long as we have and read fairy tales in libraries and schools for almost ten years.

Hamilt hopes that the Swedish drag artists can withstand the hate.

- Continue with the program - continue spreading the joy and magic around Drag story hour, he says.