, Beijing, January 16 (Wei Xianghui) As the epidemic prevention and control enters a new stage, the country is orderly carrying out hierarchical and classified dynamic services for key populations such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and patients with chronic underlying diseases and "before the gate." shift" work.

On the 16th, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference. Experts in the fields of respiratory, cardiovascular, maternal and child health and nutrition attended and introduced the health protection of key groups.

On January 16, passengers prepared to travel by car in the waiting hall of Beijing West Railway Station.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

How to do double protection against the new crown and influenza for key groups such as the elderly

  Li Yanming, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at Beijing Hospital, said that the elderly are a key group of high-risk groups after the new crown and influenza infection, and they are also a key group of protection.

As a respiratory infectious disease, the transmission route of the new coronavirus infection is similar to that of the flu, through droplets and contact, so the protective measures are also similar, mainly including wearing a mask when going out, going to crowded or confined spaces, and paying attention to cleaning hands, frequent ventilation.

At the same time, the new coronavirus infection and influenza are both vaccine-effective diseases, and vaccination is the most economical and effective means of prevention.

  Now it is winter, which is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases and infectious diseases. During the Spring Festival, the mobility of people is relatively large, and the risk of infection will increase.

Li Yanming reminded everyone that during this period, two common respiratory infectious diseases need to be jointly prevented and scientifically protected, so that everyone can have a safe Spring Festival.

Is it necessary to continue to take medicine to consolidate the curative effect after "Yangkang"

  Zhao Yangyu, Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Peking University Third Hospital, believes that the first thing to understand is that after COVID-19 infection, the treatment drugs are mainly symptomatic, such as fever, diarrhea, cough, etc. If these symptoms disappear, the drug should be stopped in time.

Drugs play a therapeutic role on the one hand, but also have certain side effects.

  She reminded pregnant women to continue to pay attention to protection after "Yangkang", including sleep, balanced nutrition, etc., and gradually, appropriately and individually take some exercise measures, do what they can, and gradually achieve recovery.

How to protect children after traveling and returning home

  Wang Quan, director of the emergency department of Beijing Children's Hospital, said that first of all, it is recommended not to arrange long-distance travel for children, and if the child is sick, don't take him out.

Before traveling, it is recommended to prepare masks, and some disposable hand sanitizers or disinfectant wipes. Parents should understand the epidemic situation and the flow of people in the destination before going out, and try not to go to places where there are too many people.

  Dinners and gatherings during the Spring Festival cannot be avoided. It is recommended to bring as few or no young children as possible. If you go out for dinner, try to choose a restaurant with qualified hygiene conditions, do not overeat, and reduce excessive irritating food, oily, and sweet foods. intake.

On January 16, at Beijing West Railway Station, passengers greeted children to board the train as soon as possible.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sheng Jiapeng

Are pregnant women more susceptible to infection

  Zhao Yangyu said that if pregnant women have no underlying diseases or comorbidities, their clinical manifestations are similar to those of the general population.

Some pregnant women may have asthma and high blood pressure. These people with basic diseases may get worse. If some symptoms gradually get worse and do not relieve, they should go to the hospital in time.

  In addition, during the late pregnancy or peripartum period, during the delivery process, after the newborn is delivered, there may be some hemodynamic changes, which may lead to the risk of disease progression.

Zhao Yangyu specially reminded that pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, if they have abnormal fetal movement, bleeding, stomach pain, fatigue, etc., even if they do not have a fever, they should go to the hospital for treatment. It may not be a new crown infection, but some of them are complications of late pregnancy.

How should patients with basic diseases such as cardiovascular disease pay attention to their own health

  Zhou Yujie, executive vice president of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, introduced that after infection with the new crown, patients with underlying heart disease, especially elderly patients, have vascular endothelial dysfunction, vascular plaques are prone to inflammatory reactions, and the incidence of thrombosis may also increase. Increased, leading to the aggravation of the original underlying heart disease.

Patients are prone to hypoxemia during cough and fever periods. The symptoms of some elderly cardiovascular patients are silent, with a "muffler" effect, which is not as obvious as that of young people.

  "We must know what the old people eat on the table, how much they eat in a day, how much they absorb, how much they metabolize and excrete, and promote balance." Zhou Yujie reminded that every patient with basic cardiovascular diseases, if they get the new crown, don't "wait" , procrastination, and consumption”, must be treated in time, and the medicine should be adjusted in time under the guidance of a doctor.
