I have

devoured the Netflix series 'Machos Alfa'

and I must confess that, in addition to making me laugh, it has made me quite sad and angry.

But not because I didn't like it, which I actually loved, but because it

shows a true social drama as a comedy

that, if it's still funny, it's because we haven't gotten over it yet and it's time, right?

If you see it and it doesn't move you, leaving you alone in the anecdote, it means that you haven't heard anything and you're very screwed, friend.

Or friend, because

machismo discriminates against us and affects all of us

, affecting everything.

Although we believe that it has been eliminated, it has not, because

we continue to nourish it based on micromachismo and a lot of macro

, being a fertilizer that sows pain and only makes weeds grow. Glass ceilings and many gender, salary and even desire gaps .

They advance, but they continue to resist.

I know there are people who express it with great honor, but

machismo is a pandemic


We have "sucked" it and we continue to be carriers of this fire-etched cultural DNA that spreads so quickly.

Even being aware, it is difficult not to carry out its mandates, and even if its expression is avoided, it

can continue to shake us internally for a long time

, negatively affecting all genres.

But this is not an excuse to start the change.

For all this, I feel that you have to catch up on some terminologies that you need to know before happily saying that

"neither machismo nor feminism, equality"

, which by the way, smells like pure machismo, in case you had not considered it.

So, let's start talking about

"machirulos", alpha males and toxic masculinity,

because the series is about that;

and without wanting to do much 'spoiler', I will say that it is also about

women doing things that, traditionally, we have been led to believe were for men,

such as earning more money than their husbands;

having more sexual desire than the father of your children, becoming unfaithful for this reason or proposing to open the couple up to her boyfriend, for example.


Just as there are so-called toxic relationships, there is also a

toxic masculinity;

a very recurring euphemism to refer to the violence that results from relationships based on

inequality between genders

, in this case.

But attention, that people are not toxic;

how toxic their behaviors are.

What would this mean?

Well, there would be a solution and this is none other than

Comprehensive Sexual Education

, which

attends to diversity from a feminist gender perspective

and, therefore, would include

inclusive emotional education

, not sexist or differentiated by gender.

The latter being the great evil of the war between genders, the origin of sexist myths and

traditional educational roles


I said feminist!

If the feminazi thing has already crossed your mind, please keep reading


The more you deny being a sexist and the more you get angry and attack the existence of feminism, the greater your affectation will be.

Remember that in mental health, the worse you are, the less you recognize that you are wrong.

Feminism seeks

equal rights and opportunities for both genders


It is not hembrism, which does not exist, being an invented term whose origin is macho fear, wanting to show that there is female supremacy over male;

question that does happen with machismo.

Feminists don't hate men


In fact, if you are a man, all the more reason you should fight with your actions, so that you are not identified with that harmful type of masculinity.

And what about that

'soft man'

who was so disgusting and made our dear Fary so famous?

The one who does the shopping, stops working to take care of his children or reduces his hours because it is his wife who has the best career and earns more.

How little has the 'soft


been eroticized in the female imagination!

How much damage has been done to us that the figure of the "bad guy" has been eroticized

and have assumed the idea that what makes a man attractive and seductive is that he shows in his personality and his actions a contrast between a kind or tender, chivalrous facet , and another of power in which he exercises (or threatens to exercise) violence.

Those elegant men from film noir, but rude and powerful who

held tightly by the arms to kiss a lady,

claiming it was for love, with that irrepressible passion associated with virility.

That I command and command

, which objectifies the women chasing the service girl or the Swedes in Benidorm in the presence of his wife, presenting her as Mrs. de... and his last name, her husband, of course.

Or the disturbed one he suffered in his childhood having a free hand to treat the woman he said he had fallen in love with so badly.

How much deceit in the name of love!


There is no weaker sex


only one who does not accept his own vulnerability, regardless of her gender, is weak.

Whoever feels superior using the power and privileges that his gender has granted him, without any merit, is deceiving himself.

Although it is a formula for not allowing others to discover it, or so he thinks.

Precisely, the non-recognition of those

emotions that have been socially associated and allowed to women,

such as fear, generate a greater feeling of weakness in men;

issue that they feel more comfortable with anger, for example, associated with fighting and power.

This differentiated sexual education

makes them more vulnerable to certain psychosocial risks

, such as carrying out more reckless acts or activities that carry a greater risk and even being more likely to commit suicide, 75% compared to 25% of women.

Suicide is the first external cause of death in men and the third among women, according to data from the General Council of Psychology of Spain - Infocop.

Maybe then, finally, you will begin to realize that

feminism also saves your life,

and not only for this.


The new masculinities are all those that allow you to

be who you really are,

if machismo had not invaded you.

They are ways of feeling and expressing yourself consistent with your nature.

Therefore, they are diverse with the idiosyncrasies of each human being and respectful of our nature.

It is the

free expression of our humanity regardless of gender


It supposes the right and

access to those emotions falsely classified as feminine

that have always belonged to you and you have had to hide.

The superiority of men over women is not natural, just as machismo is not, nor is being an alpha male;

all this is based on a sociocultural, political and economic construction of unequal distribution.

The natural thing would be for you to accept that you

don't deserve those concessions

, neither more nor less than the female gender.

He clearly doesn't like to give up birth privileges, but it's the only way to show your real strength and worth.

Now, perhaps, you will see the series and your life with different eyes.

Enjoy them!

Ana Sierra

is a psycho sexologist

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Netflix

  • Sexism