foot of agitation

Amal Al-Minshawi

@amalalmenshawi @amalalmenshawi

January 12, 2023

Life in it gives us the right to choose, but it does not accept anything from it in the middle, we take it entirely or leave it completely, and it does not recognize the grayness of its colors, either bright and clear white or dark black.

We pay a heavy price for it in our lives and health, and our feet bleed the thorns of the road before reaching it, so we learn patience and perseverance, overcoming adversity and pain, swallowing bitterness and ignoring pitfalls.

Through him and with him, we learn the etiquette of dialogue, the art of managing a successful discussion, the foundations of coexistence with the different other, and how to accommodate those we care about and who mean a lot to us.

In his presence, we explain ourselves without fear, present our ideas with confidence and poise, compete with him, win, and ally with him to confront the storms of anger and attempts at provocation.

Under his shadow our souls dwell, the frowns of our faces relax, and fear, whispers and mistrust fade away, and with him we preserve our psychological peace with the certainty that all the destinies of God are good.

Through it we see the reality of the journey, the speed of its end, and the insignificance of the struggle over its things, and through it we realize the reality of the world around us, and we distinguish thanks to it the good, its people and its crafts, and we also distance ourselves, thanks to it, from those who harm and those with low souls.

It is the calmness that normal instinct chooses and the soul becomes accustomed to through experience, and obliges it whenever it adheres to it religiously and morally.

There is no life without problems, nor a pure world without troubles, but with time trials teach us to choose calm in the face of them, preferring our health and physical well-being, and avoiding the nervousness that inherits diseases and grips the heart and age.

Calmness gives us an opportunity to see the whole picture, and allows for more than one solution, and we accept what we have no power over.. Calmness gives us space for sound thinking and making the right decision, and raises our status and strengthens our relations with others, so that they are safe with us and do not expect treachery or betrayal.

Calmness is the source of contentment and acceptance of the benevolence of predestination, and certainty of the justice of the Creator in His exaltedness, and that the days are fast-moving, so there is no injustice that lasts, and no darkness, no matter how long it lasts.

Calmness is a benign trait that reflects our upbringing and what our parents instill in us, but it is not difficult to learn or get used to.

All that we add to ourselves of positive behaviors every day is based on the conviction of the importance of this behavior or that. For someone to destroy our calmness or drag us back to the foot of emotion where regret is, after we have paid a heavy price to stay away from it.

• Calmness gives us an opportunity to see the complete picture, and allows for more than one solution, and we accept what we have no choice over.


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