[Explanation] Recently, during the Spring Festival travel season, at Liuzhou Railway Station in Guangxi, a special "policeman" is silently guarding the travel safety of passengers. It has been doing this for eight years, and this year is also its last Spring Festival travel post.

  [Explanation] At 8 o'clock in the morning, policeman Liu Rongguang came to the police dog team, stroked the police dog "King Kong", combed its hair, put on a police vest, and headed to Liuzhou Railway Station.

During the Spring Festival travel season, King Kong will be on duty every day in key areas with peak passenger flow, such as the station square, security checkpoints, and waiting rooms, using his keen sense of smell to check for suspicious items.

  [Concurrent] Police dog trainer Liu Rongguang

  King Kong is a black (German) shepherd dog with a very keen sense of smell and has many skills such as hunting, searching, bombing, and guarding.

During the Spring Festival travel season, King Kong mainly performs the task of searching for dangerous and explosive items.

  [Explanation] King Kong, born in 2013, is a multifunctional working dog bred by the police dog training and breeding base of Nanning Railway Public Security Bureau. In 2016, he officially joined the police dog team of Liuzhou Public Security Bureau.

King Kong is an out-and-out "veteran". He has participated in various security tasks and case detection. Due to his outstanding performance, he was awarded the honorary title of "Meritorious Dog" by the Shenyang Police Dog Base of the Ministry of Public Security.

  [Explanation] In the past eight years, the trainer Liu Rongguang has led King Kong to grow step by step.

In Liu Rongguang's eyes, King Kong has a docile personality. Although he has changed from a "child" to an "old man", he is as serious as ever in his work.

  [Concurrent] Police dog trainer Liu Rongguang

  King Kong is ten years old this year, equivalent to seventy in human years.

I have carried it for eight years, and we have been working on the front line of security during the Spring Festival travel for eight years.

It has a very lively personality, active and excited work.

Every year during the Spring Festival, its enthusiasm is very high.

  [Explanation] At work, King Kong is often mistaken for a Labrador by passengers because his right ear is always drooping.

In 2017, King Kong was plagued by severe otitis media. After Liu Rongguang sought medical treatment and meticulous care, King Kong's otitis media was finally under control, but his right ear could no longer stand up.

In Liu Rongguang's eyes, this "old comrade-in-arms" almost dedicated his life to protecting the safe travel of passengers.

  [Concurrent] Police dog trainer Liu Rongguang

  For eight years, King Kong has fought side by side with me just like my comrade-in-arms.

This year is King Kong's last Spring Festival travel season. After it retires, I will continue to take care of it, protect it, and let it enjoy its old age.

  Liu Juncong, Sun Yunfei, Yao Dongming, Liuzhou, Guangxi

Responsible editor: [Wang Yu]