, Beijing, January 10th (Wei Xianghui) On the 9th, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on the tenth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department, said that medical treatment is the top priority in the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, and moving forward the diagnosis and treatment barriers and treating critically ill patients is an important focus.

Shanghai Community Health Service Center continues to expand capacity and increase capacity Photo by Yin Liqin

The new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan further enriches the diagnosis and treatment methods

  Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health and Health Commission, introduced that in terms of diagnostic criteria, a positive antigen test for the new coronavirus was included in the diagnostic criteria. With the continuous optimization and maturity of antigen detection technology, the detection rate of people infected with the new coronavirus, especially those with high viral load, is relatively high.

At the same time, antigen detection is very convenient, simple and easy, and it is convenient for infected people to perform self-test at home.

  In terms of clinical treatment, the National Health and Medical Commission fully draws on the valuable experience gained in the past three years. First, to strengthen the barriers forward; second, to further standardize the treatment of severe cases; third, to adhere to the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine; Governance concept.

Medical staff conduct oxygen saturation tests for citizens.

Photo by Yin Liqin

Why the clinical classification cancels the common type and adds the medium type

  Guo Yanhong explained that the definition of moderate type is continuous high fever for more than 3 days, and the oxygen saturation is greater than 93% when inhaling air in a resting state. Imaging can show the characteristic manifestations of new coronavirus infection pneumonia, but it is more severe than severe type, that is, oxygen saturation. The degree is less than 93%, and these cases are classified as moderate.

  She said that the adjustment of the tenth version of the diagnosis and treatment plan is based on the severity of the condition of the infected person, which is divided into light, medium, severe and critical, which is more in line with clinical reality.

After the clinical classification is adjusted, it is also more conducive for medical staff to conduct comprehensive research and judgment on the patient's condition and provide comprehensive treatment measures.

Medical staff help citizens take films in the CT scanning room.

Photo by Yin Liqin

Why is the high-risk group adjusted from over 60 years old to over 65 years old

  In the tenth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan, the criteria for judging severe and critically ill high-risk groups have been changed from those older than 60 years old in the ninth edition to those older than 65 years old.

  In this regard, Wang Guiqiang, director of the Infectious Diseases Department of Peking University First Hospital, explained that regarding this fine-tuning, in clinical practice, it has indeed been found that people over 65 years old with underlying diseases, especially those who have not been vaccinated, have a higher proportion of severe and critical illnesses. , At present, this phenomenon has also been found clinically, so the diagnosis and treatment plan has been fine-tuned this time.

  "Whether you are 60 or 65 years old, we must emphasize that people with underlying diseases and who have not been vaccinated need more attention." Wang Guiqiang said that he hopes that these high-risk groups will be included in the management in clinical practice, early intervention and observation, and problems can be found Timely transfer to a higher-level hospital for further treatment to minimize the risk of severe illness and death.

The village hygienists prepare Chinese medicine in the clinic, and the county and township medical staff and village leaders come to the door to carry out the inspection service.

Photo by Wu Dejun

For the discomfort after "Yangkang", three treatment options are proposed

  Liu Qingquan, President of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University, mentioned that every patient is very concerned about the discomfort after "Yangkang". Program.

  He introduced that, first, for fatigue accompanied by weak spleen and stomach function, he provided the classic Liujunzi Decoction for treatment; second, for fatigue accompanied by easy sweating, palpitation and chest tightness and other discomforts, he recommended Shashen Maimendong Decoction and Zhuye Shigao Decoction and other classic prescriptions; the third is for the most common discomforts such as cough and less phlegm at present, the plan recommends Shegan Mahuang Decoction.

  Liu Qingquan said that the tenth version of the plan pays great attention to the many discomforts after the nucleic acid and antigen turn negative, and it is especially suitable for the rehabilitation treatment after the infection of the Omicron variant strain turns negative.
