Every year the same thing.

On January 8, the press remembers Elvis's birthday, and it begins, as it were, softer ...

Nutritious minced show business - that's what they feed you, my dears.

“He was born in a tiny house, the size of a matchbox! .. At birth, his twin brother died! .. He loved his mother so much that he could not truly love his wife! .. He!


He even died once!!!

There is not the slightest reason to be surprised at such cynicism, however, the feeling of nausea does not disappear anywhere.

A persistent feeling of nausea and disgusting dizziness from flickering in the eyes of meaningless, emasculated facts.

Okay, no one cares at all, that's understandable.

But the heart remained in the chest, and it beats not only from stock quotes.

This is me from anger at the void, you forgive generously.

Emptiness, if you look closely at it, quickly devours everything around.

Just yesterday, a home library made sense (different from a designer one), and today with that library you can be known as a dust collector, a junk dealer, a mastodon and a square (however, only exactly the same squares can call you a square - a closed, agree, circle).

Or Elvis...

Having lived a boring life - he worked all the time.

Plowed like an ox.

Worked hard like... What's so interesting about that?

What is there that should make the audience roll their eyes and thrash about in neurotic ecstasy?

Costume cost?

No, not that!..

Aircraft cost?

Not that again!!!

Graceland cost!

But that's not it on closer inspection...

But what about the slogan of last year's film about the king of kings?

What about the furious exclamation "The greatest show in the world!"?

"If you haven't seen Elvis Presley live and on stage, you haven't seen anything."



In the last line of the epilogue.

But then he had to disappear from our hearts.


And how amazingly does it stay there?

If you spend your whole life, on each day, making clay figurines of reindeer that bring happiness, for 10-12 hours a day, in ten years they will not just be alive, those deer, they will be alive and bring happiness. ..

God lives in everything, but more than anything else, in that to which someone's earthly existence is devoted without a trace.

Elvis sang.

Every day.

Sometimes for 10-12 hours.

On the stage, at rehearsals, during night masses - when religious hymns (they say there was none that he did not know) sounded continuously until dawn and a boy with oiled coke and old-fashioned sideburns played and played the piano, accompanying himself .. .

Elvis Aaron's Presley radiation has no scientific explanation.

But it has millions and millions of times a proven beneficial effect on a variety of people of all skin colors and all religions (write any number - you can’t go wrong even with billions - how many times have his songs sounded in our world?).

Are you sad and lonely?

Elvis will share the pain with you, and you will feel better.

Do you have fun and happiness over the edge?

Elvis will be happy for you along with you.

He knows how to do it all.

About loss and gain.

About love and separation.

About the wind in the head and about the flour of the heart.

He lived this many thousands of thousands of times.

In each of his songs.

Therefore, everything is real.

Therefore, it does not age and does not turn into trash.

Elvis doesn't have the trash gene.

See how he moves in the Jailhouse Rock black and white movie.

As he performs a song with exactly the same name.

How easy and natural.

Quite pulls on a modern, just slightly stylized clip.

How cool is he...

But in one of the countless takes, this diligent to complete brutality even of the director Elvis, sliding down the pole, swallowed a temporary crown (which he simply crushed with his teeth in the heat of the moment).

Rather, with a very strong breath pulled it into the lung.

An hour later, feeling some discomfort in his chest and wheezing, he went to the film studio doctor, who assured Elvis that it was all "fiction and imagination."

Elvis continued the shooting day and after a couple of hours said to the doctor: “Sir, the game of imagination has moved a little to the left, and something is rattling inside me ...” The director of the picture demanded to stop the “southern antics” and continue working.

Elvis continued (although he could easily send the director to hell) and after a couple of hours called his doctor - and the terrible began.

Colonel Parker, Mr. Presley's producer, as eyewitnesses say, watched with horror and hatred the operation to remove the ill-fated crown from the light king of rock and roll - because for this, doctors had to push Elvis' vocal cords apart.

What if he couldn't sing anymore?

What would Colonel Parker have to do?

With myself?

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It was especially “pleasant” for him, the colonel, to hear the joyful exclamation of the Aesculapius: “Ho!

We found it, however, it fell into two parts - you have to tinker!

Two days after the operation, Elvis decently wheezed.

Colonel Parker was drenched in cold sweat, and on the third day the master of the song Jailhouse Rock was recorded - the same one, hysterical and leading to an explosive frenzy even more than 60 years later.

After 100 it will be the same, you can safely cast aside doubts.

He lived the script for the movie, that southern boy with the brined-up cook and the old-fashioned sideburns.

And he also lived the song (all the songs of the film) in strict accordance with the script.

And that's why, my dears... and that's why.

Everything with Elvis Presley today is the way it is - he is the king of kings, and his throne is not occupied, which means that it belongs to him undividedly.

"The Greatest Show in the World!"

Do you think that everyone adored him, idolized him and carried him in their arms?

Jailhouse Rock was written by the very toothy and very venerable Jerry Leiber and Mickey Stoller.

They were only 24 in 1957, both born in 1933.

They were two years older than Elvis, and they were not averse to pushing anyone out of the way.

They terribly (and this is not a form of speech) disliked Elvis's "corrupted" Hound Dog, which they actually wrote for Willie Mae Thornton (the atomic performance of 1952 - be sure to listen), and they considered Presley himself an upstart and half-wit, that in some incredible way soared above the stars! ..

Needless to say, a few months later, all three became friends, and in subsequent years, Leiber and Stoller with great pleasure gave their most powerful hits into the hands of Presley.

This couple deserves a separate column.

Not today.

Today is Elvis' birthday.

Nothing was ever given to him just like that, did not fall from the sky, did not get it on a winning lottery ticket.

Yes, he was and remains the king, but he got his crown with such labor and such perseverance ...

If a certain magician suddenly, under strange and mysterious circumstances, offers any of you to live the fate of Elvis Presley, I beg you: think 110 times before agreeing.

He was an absolutely outstanding singer and remains so to this day.

He was an excellent actor (it's a pity that his film career was ruined by the very nutritious stuffing of show business) and in his early tapes he remains so now.

He was the greatest white clown - the entertainer of the whole world, capable of knocking out a tear from the heart today, and in any of the future days.

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So who is he really?

What is its true grain?

Oh... It's impossibly simple: Elvis Presley is the most ordinary hard worker, a man of routine and daily work, a master who cannot live a day without his tools and his garage.

The truth is that the garage is great.

Spread over many countries and continents.

The truth is that his work overalls are too unusually embroidered with stones and sparkle like Agra's treasure chest.

The truth is that we want to see him every day - in his own garage, in his eternal overalls, without any days off and unforeseen absences.

And now he is always with us.

For the vocation appointed by Heaven cannot be canceled or returned.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.