The weekly podcast “Tout Sexplication” at the service of these listeners!

Do you have a health question concerning sexuality?

Send us your questions at

Health professionals and experts answer you in podcast.

This is what Zakaria S. did, who sent us the following question: “I have noticed for some time that my semen is no longer liquid like before.

It became dense, too concentrated and heavy.

What explains this?

To respond to Zakaria in this episode, urologist surgeon Vincent Hupertan, andrologist and sexologist.

He has notably published the book

L'Encyclo penis

, published by Leduc (2019).

What is sperm?

What is its consistency and color?

How and why can it vary in appearance?

Can a change reveal an infection?

Does this fluid change with age?

These are questions from this interview to listen to for free above and on your favorite listening platform.

Your questions to

“Tout Sexplication” is a weekly interview meeting where we discuss sexuality, health and society.

If you have questions on these topics, we send them to health professionals, experts, key witnesses so that they can answer them in a podcast.

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🎧 Don't miss our next episodes of "Minute Papillon!"

and “Everything Sexplains”.

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Good listening !


Sex fluids: We tell you everything there is to know about semen


Worse quality sperm, precocious puberty... Endocrine disruptors of environmental origin could be involved

  • Podcast

  • Everything is explained

  • Sperm

  • Health

  • Male

  • Wait a minute

  • 20 Minute Podcast