The deep division of the Republicans has made American democracy a collateral victim.

Hostage to an ultra minority that has held it hostage since the presidency of Donald Trump

, the party threatens two years of legislative chaos and a fierce struggle for power until the next presidential elections.

The public humiliation spectacle of Kevin McCarthy, the first candidate to preside over the House of Representatives in a century to fail several times in a vote

ation, offers the pitiful image of

a decomposing party capable of staging a political assault on the same headquarters violated two years ago today

by a mob that rejected the victory at the polls of President Joe Biden.

Some of their lordships have done little since then to distance themselves from the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which was harangued by Trump himself, whom the investigation commission considers main

responsible for the violent attack that left five dead and hundreds injured in the Legislative temple


What's more, they deny or minimize it in their strategy of polarizing the country to defeat their Democratic rivals at any price.

Especially after mid-term elections in which they have obtained much more mediocre results than they expected.

McCarthy has been the scapegoat for that relative failure in the 'midterms',

that the extremists of the Freedom Caucus blamed the excessive concessions to the Democrats that the House speaker -considered a moderate centrist- had made in his four years as leader of the Republican minority.

In reality, if McCarthy has given in to anyone, it has been to the radical faction itself.

, who was in charge of paving the way for the election with thorny impossible demands as blackmail to offer him his support.

These twenty congressmen will do everything possible to blow up the remainder of the legislature, blackmailing the Chamber and threatening to block the increase in the debt ceiling that allows the Government to continue functioning.

Their disruptive will was highlighted on Wednesday, when they turned a deaf ear to the call to order

Trump, who urged "not to turn a great victory into a gigantic and embarrassing defeat."

The Republican Party, therefore, continues to be plunged into an existential crisis that worsens with the proximity of the presidential elections.

Opposed to any compromise that paves the way for governability, it has ceased to be a party with the height of State to plunge into internal struggles that seriously harm the country.

A new leadership is urgently needed to turn the page on populism

to return to its democratic roots.

For the good of the US and the world.

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