, Urumqi, January 1st, title: Why is facility agriculture "popular" in the Xinjiang Corps?

  Author Shi Yujiang

  Xinjiang, located in the northwestern border of China, is extremely cold in winter, especially in the northern part of Xinjiang. Every year from November to March of the following year, "thousands of miles are covered in ice and thousands of miles of snow drifts", and agricultural production is in a "hibernation" period.

In the past, people in Xinjiang used to store cabbage, potatoes, radishes, apples, etc. in large quantities and easily stored in vegetable cellars in late autumn. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are "luxury goods".

Today, Xinjiang can not only rely on facility agriculture to guarantee the "vegetable basket", but also embark on a road of facility agriculture helping rural revitalization.

The flowers in the facility greenhouse are in full bloom (data map).

Photo by Shi Yujiang

  Facility agriculture is an agriculture that improves or creates suitable meteorological and environmental factors in a local area through certain facilities to provide good environmental conditions for the growth and development of animals and plants for effective production.

Facility agriculture includes two aspects of facility cultivation and facility breeding, and is an important symbol of modern agriculture.

  The heat resources such as solar radiation value, sunshine hours and sunshine percentage in most areas of Xinjiang are far superior to those in Northeast China at the same latitude, and have natural advantages for the development of facility agriculture.

The important thing is, to a certain extent, it has solved the winter supply problem of vegetables and fruits that has plagued Xinjiang for a long time.

  Many regiments of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have a large number of people, little land, and lack of water resources. Intensive and efficient use of water and soil resources is a major topic of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps' long-term development of modern agricultural research.

Ma Weidong, a third-company employee of the Red Star Division 13, is thinning nectarines (data picture).

Photo by Zhao Baoshan

  An important starting point to beat jet lag and increase income

  In the middle of winter, the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains are affected by the cold air, and many places continue to snow. However, in the greenhouses of the various regiments of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, it is warm and green, and off-season vegetables are "going" to the market.

  Right now, in the greenhouse of the 13th Company of the 44th Regiment in Tumusuk City, the 3rd Division, green vegetables and large, round shiitake mushrooms are growing vigorously.

The growers are very busy picking, transporting, and loading.

  In 2022, Liu Shixian and his wife contracted a greenhouse covering an area of ​​4 mu. They began to plant 12 kinds of vegetables in August, and most of the vegetables are now on the market.

"I grow vegetables at home, and my husband sells vegetables in the market. Compared with before, not only the cost is reduced, but also the supply is more secure." Liu Shixian said that the rented greenhouse and the technical services provided are provided by the local government for free supply.

  At present, there are 1,632 facility greenhouses in Tumusuk, the third division, covering an area of ​​about 4,353 mu, with a planting rate of 97%.

Around the New Year, it is expected to supply about 3188 tons of fruit and vegetable products.

  Over the years, divisions and regiments of the Xinjiang Corps have taken effective measures to expand greenhouses to grow vegetables and fruits, taking advantage of jet lag to rush for "fresh" products to go on the market.

Strings of tomatoes are red, red, yellow and yellow hanging all over the branches.

Photo by Wei Linna

  Rapid development after the 1990s

  In the early 1960s, the Xinjiang Corps began to try to promote greenhouse seedling cultivation and greenhouse vegetable cultivation technology. According to the Soviet technology and model, it built a batch of semi-basement wooden frame glass greenhouses, but due to limited economic conditions, the pace of promotion was slow.

  In the 1990s, the Xinjiang Corps' vegetable application changed from decentralized to centralized, and the company developed to the suburbs of the city, and expanded to melons, fruits, edible fungi, and high-value cash crops, and gradually realized a multi-season, diverse, and balanced production model.

  Since 2000, Xinjiang Corps’ facility agriculture has risen rapidly. The 13th Division and the 12th Division took the lead in developing, followed by the divisions in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. More and more facility agriculture has sprung up, and facility vegetables and fruits are “blossoming everywhere” , A number of large-scale production bases have been basically formed, and the solar greenhouses have been planned in a unified manner, and the construction has been concentrated and contiguous. The degree of intensification and scale is relatively high, so that the production layout of facility vegetables and fruits is developed around towns.

The Xinjiang Corps encourages the development of smart greenhouses in the suburbs of the city. While improving the quality of agricultural products, it also expands the functions of leisure, sightseeing, and experience (data map).

Photo by Shi Yujiang

  The development of leisure travel with fire "trunk economy"

  In the Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park of the 29th Regiment of the Second Division, more than a dozen workers are busy in more than 40 solar greenhouses.

  "We are very busy during festivals. Strawberries will mature one after another around the New Year. Sometimes we receive four to five hundred tourists a day. These fresh fruits and vegetables fill the trunks of tourists." Said Tao Peilin, commander of the 11th Company.

  He said that it is more than 10 kilometers away from Tiemenguan City and 8 kilometers away from Korla City. On weekends and small holidays, many citizens who travel by car come to pick fruits and vegetables and experience the fun of being close to nature.

Strawberries have not only become the "net celebrity fruit" in the Xinjiang market, but picking strawberries on holidays has also become the mainstream of citizens' leisure travel.

  In recent years, the Xinjiang Corps has encouraged qualified suburban farms to develop intelligent greenhouses. While improving the quality of agricultural products, it has expanded functions such as leisure, sightseeing, and experience, and promoted the transformation of traditional agriculture into modern agriculture.

Facility agriculture has extended from vegetables and fruits to poultry, fishery, livestock and other breeding industries.

Photo by Shao Xuedong

  From vegetables and fruits, poultry and livestock to fishery, there are more and more varieties

  Not only that, Xinjiang Corps' facility agriculture has extended from vegetables and fruits to poultry, fishery, livestock and other breeding industries, and has a rapid development momentum.

  At the four-company tilapia breeding base of the 147th Regiment of the Eighth Division, the breeders are feeding in a circular fish pond, and tilapia fry are swimming in the water.

This is the largest breeding base for tilapia fry in northern and southern Xinjiang, where more than 300,000 fish fry are bred every year. The temperature of tilapia is raised through thermal insulation film and heating pipes, which can not only increase the breeding density, but also increase the breeding cycle, and realize seasonal shifting. listed.

  In the incubation and de-temperature chicken breeding demonstration garden of the 44th regiment of the third division, more than 200,000 30-day-old high-quality de-temperature chickens can be provided a year. With the promotion of supporting technologies for raising chickens, many local people have increased their income and become rich.

  In the Wulian Shuangyu Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Cooperative of the 128th Regiment of the Seventh Division, the rows of breeding sheds are neat and uniform, and the fodder grass storage area, silage pond, and livestock shed are fully equipped. The annual fattening cattle can reach more than 1,000 heads, and the slaughtered pigs can reach 2,000. above the head.

Through the animal husbandry cooperatives, the group unified management, epidemic prevention, and sales to maximize benefits.

Aerial photography of the Ehe River Jade Shrimp Breeding Base of the 183rd Regiment of the Tenth Division (data map).

Photo by Li Zhenghu

  Over the years, the Xinjiang Corps has played a leading role in modern agricultural demonstration zones, and supported the development of facility agriculture in accordance with local conditions by strengthening policy support, financial support, and introducing and promoting new varieties and new technologies.

  The relevant person in charge of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xinjiang Corps said that judging from the practice of each division, facility agriculture can improve land output rate and resource utilization rate, ensure a balanced supply of fresh agricultural products throughout the year, improve labor productivity, and promote unity among regiments. , Secondary and tertiary industries have played a role in the integration and development of the people's employment and income.

In the middle of winter, off-season vegetables are "going" to the market.

Photo by Shi Yujiang

  "The Corps has stepped up efforts to cultivate and introduce new types of agricultural management entities, encourage and guide social capital and private capital to develop facility agriculture, and then promote the revitalization of rural industries." The above-mentioned person in charge said.

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