【Subtitles】Recently, some netizens said that they have experienced hair loss after being infected with the new crown.

Why does hair loss occur after the new crown infection?

Is hair loss a sequela of new crown infection?

How long will it take to recover?

Hear what the experts have to say.

  [1] Why does hair loss occur after being infected with the new crown?

  [Concurrent] Duan Xiaohan, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Dermatology, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital Affiliated to Tsinghua University

  It is quite common to experience hair loss after being infected with the new crown.

After being infected with the new crown, the first is that the virus may cause an inflammatory reaction around the hair follicles, and it may also cause high fever. After getting the new crown, it will also cause anxiety, mental stress, and poor rest. These various reasons will indeed cause Causes telogen effluvium.

What is telogen effluvium, hair follicles have a very regular cycle, most of the hair follicles on our head, and more than 90% of the hair follicles on our heads are in a growing state, that is, they do not fall off.

When it enters renewal, it will enter a telogen period that lasts for 2 to 3 months and then fall off. After falling off, it will enter the next growth cycle.

  【2】How long can the symptoms of hair loss be relieved?

  [Concurrent] Duan Xiaohan, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Dermatology, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital Affiliated to Tsinghua University

  For most telogen effluvium, after the trigger is removed, for example, after the hair follicle enters a normal state, it will gradually stop. Generally, there is no need for special clinical intervention, such as 2 to 3 months, and the hair loss will stop. live.

  [3] Is hair loss a sequela of new crown infection?

  [Concurrent] Duan Xiaohan, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Dermatology, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital Affiliated to Tsinghua University

  Most of the sequelae belong to this kind of persistent existence, and we call the irreversible sequelae.

For example, after I was infected with the new crown today, I developed a symptom. The inflammation can subside, and its corresponding clinical symptoms will disappear. At present, it seems that the new crown will not cause this kind of permanent hair loss in the hair part. Strictly speaking, it is defined It cannot be said to be a sequela.

  【4】How to protect your hair?

  [Concurrent] Duan Xiaohan, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Dermatology, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital Affiliated to Tsinghua University

  The special suggestion is to pay attention to the intake of protein. In terms of diet, I always recommend eating more meat. Among the meat, I recommend beef, because beef is rich in iron and more.

Hair cell synthesis, DNA synthesis, and these growth cycles require trace elements, such as vitamin D. Deep-sea fish, cod liver oil, cod, and salmon are actually foods rich in vitamin D.

If you care about your hair and are afraid of hair loss, I don't recommend losing weight very quickly. If you lose weight quickly, your energy will be lost all of a sudden, and you will experience hair loss.

  Xie Longfei and Wen Mengxin report from Beijing

Responsible editor: [He Sanli]