At the beginning of winter, thousands of bats of around twenty different species find refuge in the chalk cavities of the Saumur hillside sector (Maine-et-Loire).

This vast underground network of 30 km2 has the advantage of being close to the Loire and of being rich in insects, explains France 3 Pays de la Loire.

Outside protected places, such as Natura 2000 sites, these flying mammals do not escape danger.

Not liking to be disturbed in their natural environment, they tend to run away.

However, during hibernation, they find themselves forced to warm up to fly away, which reduces their ability to survive the winter.

Yet bats play an essential role in regulating insect populations, some of which come to ravage crops.

To ensure their protection, the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO) and the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Nature Park work with owners to develop sites to avoid any harmful intrusion.

Some wine cellars now have a space designed to accommodate bats.


What is the secret of bats to rarely get sick?


Biodiversity: In the forest of Sénart, naturalists all ears for bats

  • Angers

  • Pays de la Loire

  • Bat

  • Animals

  • Environment