Clear skin, bright eyes and full red lips, what is your first reaction when you see these features?



Too superficial!

Studies have shown that these are signs of good immunity!

  Recently, the release of a study can be described as "one stone caused a thousand waves".

A paper published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B found that those with higher beauty scores had a greater ability of white blood cells to engulf disease-causing bacteria.

Researchers believe people are drawn to good looks because our brains are wired to seek out healthy mates.

  Another study from the United Kingdom showed that men with stronger immune responses had higher levels of testosterone and scored higher on attractiveness ratings.

A man's handsome face and perfect body shape are a sign that they have more antibodies, and more antibodies naturally mean a stronger immune system.

  Is there a way to save that unattractive person?

Is low immunity really the original sin?

  Many people think that the stronger the immunity, the better, and various methods should be used to enhance immunity, such as high-dose protein supplementation and nutritional health products.

In fact, immunity is not the ability not to get sick.

  Knock on the blackboard!

Immunity is the physiological function of the human immune system to identify and eliminate antigenic foreign bodies. It can be understood as "elimination of foreign bodies". Harmful external factors are like enemies, leading to allergies and even immune diseases, let alone being indifferent to external harmful substances.

In other words, stable, normal immunity is the best state.

Immunity does not need to be strengthened, it only needs to maintain stable operation.

  So, what factors determine our immunity?

  Just like appearance, the tone of immunity is determined innately. Factors such as genetics, gender, and age cannot be determined by us, but adequate sleep, proper exercise, and nutritionally matched foods all play a role in maintaining stable immunity. additive effect.

  Recently, are you exercising hard and want to give your immunity a "short-term crash course"?

In fact, the more intense the exercise, the better.

On the contrary, after excessive exercise, the body will have a "window period", the immune function will be weakened, and the risk of various pathogenic factors, especially viruses, entering the host body will increase.

This process will last from 3 hours to 72 hours, so it will be easier to catch a cold after heavy weight training.

  In addition, young people's habitual staying up late is the direct cause of the decline in immunity.

Data show that if an adult cannot guarantee 7-8 hours of sleep for three consecutive nights, the function of the immune system may be reduced by half, and three hours less sleep a day is enough to reduce the function of important immune cells.

  As a source of happiness for foodies, the nutrition brought by food is also a key factor affecting immunity.

At present, the relationship between proteins, vitamins, minerals and the immune system has been clarified.

  Protein is the material basis of immune organs, immune cells, and immune factors. The normal operation of almost all forms of immune function is inseparable from protein. The protein in dairy products, meat, soy products and eggs is easy to absorb by the human body.

  When it comes to vitamins, the current research on immunity mainly focuses on vitamin C and vitamin D. Vitamin A and vitamin E also have certain immune strengthening functions.

Most vitamins can be obtained through food, but vitamin D, which has an immunomodulatory effect in respiratory tract infections, can only be synthesized through light, which makes vitamin D deficiency very common.

  Compared to eating hot pot and singing, eating hot pot in the sun may be healthier.

So, how do you get enough vitamins through your diet?

Animal liver, meat, eggs, and milk are rich in vitamin A.

The content of vitamin C in a variety of vegetables and fruits is very high, such as green peppers, colored peppers, dates, kiwi and so on.

Vegetable oils and nuts can provide you with sufficient vitamin E.

If you feel that sun exposure is burdening your skin, you can replace your vitamin D intake with supplements.

  Minerals also play an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system. Animal blood products, liver, poultry meat, fish and shrimp, etc. are all good sources of iron. Zinc can be supplemented through red meat, shellfish, and animal offal.

  It should be noted that no matter how good the ingredients are, the more the better, eating meat, drinking protein powder and chewing vitamin tablets may instead cause a burden on the liver and kidneys, which is not conducive to the body's immunity, and even has the risk of poisoning.

  In addition, a happy mood helps the body's immune cells to be active, while depression and irritability can inhibit the function of immune cells.

After watching this video, hold your "poison free" gold medal and protect your health in the post-epidemic era.