So, the World Cup in Qatar, which, despite all the efforts of the organizers, began more likely not as a football celebration, but as the hell with a bow on the side.

Yes, and in iridescent colors with a yellow-blaky tint.

In the end, as the athletes say, he nevertheless “rolled out”.

And it ended with such a crazy finale in a good way that it became clear: as it should be at world championships and other similar events, despite all the stupid things that accompany these events, football once again won. 

The great game has taken its toll.

And even in excess. 

And it was like tears of joy of the great “outgoing nature” of the genius Lionel Messi, which were 100% deserved by him and his team in football.

Despite the magnificent game of the French who did not give up.

Despite any Gallic cock jumping in the VIP box of French President Emmanuel Macron, who urgently flew to Qatar and, apparently, was temporarily left unattended.

And even despite the hat-trick and the tears as sincere as those of Messi (but, alas, not victorious, but filled with bitterness of defeat) of one of the leaders of the next generation, French forward Kylian Mbappe, who is clearly replacing Messi and Ronaldo, despite for relative youth, which had already given the French only gold medals - at the previous World Cup in the final, magnificent for the French, with the Croats in Moscow, which was not yet demonized by them. 

Well (once again!), to be honest, not all fans even hoped for it. 

But football, and this time still, despite all the madness surrounding this championship, somehow won. 

And it was really great.

Just because a truly great kick-ball game once again proved to the whole world that living life, its energy and the poetry of an ordinary human street are larger and more significant than all the ingenious "technological" calculations with their money, politics and PR technologies. who wanted to replace it. 

And with the help of which, by the way, they tried to steer this street. 

All this idiotic topical agenda: from LGBT +, God forgive me, “problematics” to, fortunately, never took place (by the way, it was requested immediately before the final, and thanks to FIFA for refusing the fool) performance of the bad Kyiv clown in front of the crowded stands of the national stadium Lusail Ikonik, which, by the will of the organizers, had this high honor - to host the World Cup final, and not the engagement of the Kyiv big top, of course.

The organizers were not paid for the big top. 

Nevertheless, it was precisely with this agenda that this holiday of the great folk game, in many respects spontaneous, and they wanted to replace it in the most banal way.

And while football, fortunately, turned out to be stronger than all these, including political, transgender people.

Simply, if only because it is not at all accidental and not for a red word called a folk game.

Should we not know this?

Alas, I am not the only one who has well-founded fears that this is only so far ...

However, let's go in order.

There is nothing to hide here - this is, as they say, an open secret: the football forum in Qatar acquired a shade of scandal even when the stadiums in Qatar were not even built, but only planned.

Then, when this small but rich in money and energy emirate with a complete lack of not only infrastructure, but also any football traditions won (by the way, together with the Russian Federation - they choose two cycles at once, and this angered the world community even more) the right to holding this football forum of tremendous importance for the whole world. 

And immediately after that, there were allegations of corruption: the choice of Qatar in terms of formal football logic looked rather strange.

Let us just recall that in order to play football in the space of this relatively small piece of the hot Arabian desert, FIFA even had to postpone the tournament from summer to winter for the first time in world history.

In the summer, neither the spectators, nor even the footballers, would have been helped by any air conditioning.

This story, by the way, in this part continues to unwind to this day: the murky events unfolding right now before our eyes around the recent arrests of a beautiful Greek woman (part-time socialist and Vice-Speaker of the European Parliament Eva Kaili), as well as some other officials of the European Parliament , who are suspected of corruption in the organization of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, as if hinting to us that nothing is over yet. 

And some people absolutely do not mind playing these same games again and again.

Of course, the story of pressure on football in Qatar did not end there: after some time, for well-known political reasons, our Russian team was also suspended from the games, instead of which rather dull Poles went to Qatar on a non-sporting basis.

Which, despite all my sympathy for their leader Robert Lewandowski, I personally didn’t feel sorry for at all.

Then, just before the championship, the LGBT + scandal began to unfold rapidly. 

Moreover, not a single sane observer connected this specifically with football: it was just that Qatar, along with other countries of the Persian Gulf, albeit deservedly, but in a rather humiliating way, talked with the EU about energy trade.

And the fact that holding the World Cup in a country that lives according to Sharia law provides for some restrictions not only on alcohol, but also on other specifics that are not consonant with the requirements of Islam, but are now extremely fashionable in the West, hardly European countries even guessed.

On the contrary, they, like France, for example, lobbied the World Cup in Qatar the most.

And their leaders paid visits to Doha quite often, and recently they have gone there in a dull endless succession. 

It's just that at this stage, political homosexuality turned out to be in great demand precisely as an instrument of economic pressure in the energy sector.

And neither world football in general, nor the World Cup in particular, were here, in general, as if absolutely decisively to do with it.

Well, the cherry on the cake, so to speak: I’m somehow not talking about Zelensky’s failed performance before the final.

And all this disgrace football quite consistently won.

And dishonored.

They left - we already wrote about this a little higher - ingloriously Poles.

Even more ashamed, the once great German Bundestim, which sealed the mouths of its footballers in protest “against the oppression of LGBT”, flew out even more shamefully.

The obvious favorites went home to the whistling and hooting of citizens of their (!) Countries, let's say, of non-European origin: the Belgians, the Spaniards and the Portuguese with Ronaldo.

And even in the defeat in the final of the French team there was some, let's say, near-football symbolism: let's just recall how the fashionable institutions of Paris replaced the broadcasts of the games of their (!) Team at this World Cup with all kinds of queer and LGBT shows in support of the same sodomy , which in Qatar someone ruthlessly oppressed. 

And football, which has nothing to do with all this beauty, simply could not help but avenge it, and it avenged it.

For if your national team is not supported in the heart of your country, what kind of football is it? 

The meaning of this game lies in the fact that in football, as it happened, they root exclusively for their own.

So everything is fair.

But that's just good football news on this, unfortunately, and end.

Because the next World Cup (if, of course, it still takes place, which is not a fact at all in the current world military-political atmosphere) will have to be held in Canada, Mexico and - attention, most importantly - in the USA.

And it’s there that all this non-football near-political green and rainbow agenda, not to mention Russophobic and anti-Chinese, you can be sure in advance that if current trends continue, it will shine in full growth.

And now I have great doubts that even in those conditions the great game of football, like yesterday in Qatar, will also somehow completely mystically win.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.