2022 is the 85th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre.

The children who survived the catastrophe are now octogenarians.

Time has aged people's faces, but it will not change the historical truth, nor will it dampen people's courage.

This memory of the world, which bears the pain of the family and the loss of the nation, is being passed on from generation to generation, and the voice of justice and peace will grow stronger as time goes by.

  Recently, Ma Tingbao, a survivor of the Nanjing Massacre, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency that he lived a happy life in his later years, but he still had unfulfilled wishes.

He hopes that future generations must keep history in mind and cherish peace while letting go of hatred.

(Reporter Ge Yong)

  [Concurrent] Nanjing Massacre Survivor Ma Tingbao

  The voice of peace has been handed down from generation to generation. I am Ma Tingbao, a survivor of the Nanjing Massacre. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese devils (Japanese invaders) came to Nanjing. We did not escape at that time and took refuge in a refugee area in Nanjing. Japan People (Japanese invaders) broke into the refugee area to arrest people, and took away my father Ma Yuquan, my uncle Wen Zhixue, (and) aunt Yang Shoulin, dragged them to the Xiaguan River, and shot them with machine guns. When (I) was five or six years old, people in my family told me that when the Japanese (Japanese invaders) entered the city, they murdered and set fire everywhere, and committed all kinds of crimes. The Japanese (Japanese invaders) killed our Chinese people. All are fresh in my memory.

Every December, (I) have to come here to commemorate relatives and compatriots who died. Now we don’t forget the history. I hope that the Chinese people and the Japanese people will continue to be friendly from generation to generation. No war, but eternal peace. I hope young people will also Don't forget this period of history, ask (pray) for the world to be permanent, not to war.

Responsible editor: [Song Fangcan]