Bayika Kailidibek is a herdsman in Tizinafu Township, Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang.

His father has been guarding the border for 26 years since 1954.

Under the influence of his father, Baika Keridibek took over his father's baton at the age of 21 and became a border guard on the Pamirs.

Only yaks can walk the road along the border, and it takes a month to go back and forth. There is a river at the foot of the hillside. If you accidentally fall into the river, neither people nor yaks will be able to find them. Even though it is dangerous, they still insist on guarding the border.

Under the influence of Bayka Keridibek, his son Lazini Bayka also joined the team of border guards.

On January 4, 2021, Razini Bayka died unfortunately because of saving a child who fell into the water. This made Baika Keridibek as a father unacceptable for a while, but at the same time, it was also a feat of saving others for his son They are proud. They are called the eagles on the Pamirs. The three generations of the family have been guarding the border of the motherland for more than half a century.

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]