The Supreme Court has the right to sue Okinawa Prefecture in a lawsuit seeking to revoke the national government's ruling that is the basis for proceeding with construction off the coast of Henoko, Nago City, regarding the plan to relocate the U.S. Futenma base in Okinawa. Judging that there was no appeal, a judgment was handed down to dismiss the final appeal, and Okinawa Prefecture's defeat was finalized.

Four years ago, Okinawa Prefecture withdrew its approval for land reclamation off the coast of Henoko, Nago City, which had been approved by Governor Nakaima to relocate the U.S. military base in Futenma.

In response, the prefecture claimed that it was illegal and sought to cancel the decision. was

In the ruling on the 8th, Chief Judge Atsushi Yamaguchi of the First Petty Bench of the Supreme Court said, ``Approval of land reclamation is a ``statutory entrusted affair'' in which prefectures do the work that should be done by the country.

After that, he dismissed the final appeal, saying, ``It is not legally permitted for prefectures to dispute in court whether the government's decision on legally entrusted work is illegal.'' I was.

As a result, the defeat of Okinawa Prefecture was confirmed.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno "Recognizes that the country's claims have been recognized"

At a press conference in the afternoon, Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno said, "We recognize that the government's claim that Okinawa Prefecture's complaint is unlawful has been accepted. The government will continue to make efforts to gain the understanding of the local people, and will continue to do so. We will continue to work to realize the full return of Futenma Air Station as soon as possible and to eliminate the risk of that happening."