“Before, we only had one orange at Christmas and we were happy.

We have all heard this sentence before the end of the year celebrations, proudly pronounced by our parents or our grandparents.

Indeed, it was a frequent gift to be found under the Christmas tree on December 25, until the 1960s. No Barbies, Lego, Playmobil or other toys well wrapped in shimmering gift paper, but just a fruit which today can be found at all supermarket stalls.

But at the time, when it wasn't necessarily “better before”, the orange was a rare, luxury product.

Have you ever known that time when children rejoiced just to have a piece of fruit as a gift at Christmas?

Do you have grandparents who told you with a little light in their eyes about the discovery of this luxury citrus fruit?

Did you know that time when to find a gift, you didn't have to browse dozens of department store shelves while sweating in coats that were way too warm for the indoor temperature?

This era now gone where choosing a gift was much simpler?

If, in your family, Christmas has remained “an orange is basta”.

If you have any anecdotes about this famous "Christmas orange", you can testify by filling out the form below.

Your testimonials will be used to write an article.

Thanks in advance.


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