Zhao Yunchao, a young man from Laixi in Qingdao, Shandong, is a veteran who was paralyzed in an accident. He started his own entrepreneurial life five years ago. Now, relying on the Qiuyue pears produced in the fruit town where he lives, he sends out more than 200 boxes every day. Self-improving entrepreneurial talent.

After being rejected many times for job applications, he contracted the customer service of his online store to a company that employs disabled people.

  An accident in a wheelchair

  Join the para archery team to achieve great results

  Zhao Yunchao is from Malianzhuang Town, Laixi City, Qingdao, Shandong Province. He is 36 years old this year. He has a different experience from others.

  After graduating from high school, Zhao Yunchao joined the army and fulfilled his dream of being a soldier.

Moreover, he worked hard and was admitted to the Military Academy in 2006.

Five or six years later, he retired and found a job in his hometown, but an accident changed everything.

"In order to avoid a car, I accidentally bumped myself into a stone on the side of the road, causing injury." When Zhao Yunchao was interviewed by a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily, he had already dared to face the ordeal caused by the sudden accident.

"I stayed in the hospital for 10 months. When I was first injured, the doctor and my family comforted me by saying that I only had a fractured lumbar spine, and my recovery was relatively slow, and it might take two or three years."

  However, four or five months later, Zhao Yunchao secretly searched for relevant keywords to inquire about information, and finally confirmed the doubt in his heart: it may cause paralysis of the lower limbs, making it difficult to stand up again.

  A healthy person changes the trajectory of his life all at once. He feels that the sky above his head is gray and his head is in a mess, thinking wildly all day long.

  His family and friends kept comforting him, and the rehabilitation doctor introduced him to "lun mates", and everyone began to go out to see the outside world together... Zhao Yunchao slowly accepted his state and rekindled the hope of life.

  I heard that the disabled archery team is recruiting, and Zhao Yunchao was admitted after signing up.

In 2014, after five months of training, Zhao Yunchao participated in the Shandong Paralympic Games and won four silver medals in the sitting archery event.

Later, he entered the provincial team and represented the Shandong team in the competition. In several events, he won sixth, seventh, eighth and other results.

  A word to wake up the dreamer

  Qiuyue pears from my hometown

  However, his sports team does not always have games. He is dissatisfied with his grades and income. He hopes to have a stable job and wants to find a job.

"At that time, I submitted a lot of resumes, and I was rejected." Zhao Yunchao said that he understood the feelings of employers. If they paid the same salary, the company might be willing to accept a healthy person.

However, there is still a company throwing an olive branch.

Moreover, after the interview, he was successfully hired to be in charge of photography and design for a cross-border e-commerce company.

  Often sitting in a wheelchair or at a desk, his body suffered from bed sores, and he had to take leave to recuperate at home.

After a few months, he decided to resign because he was worried that his physical condition would affect his work in the company.

  In 2017, his family planted fruit trees and raised some roosters. Zhao Yunchao began selling free-range chickens on WeChat Moments and Taobao stores.

Half a year later, a word from a fruit buyer made him suddenly enlightened.

  "People came to buy the Qiuyue pears and apples we planted. They were surprised to see me selling my own roosters. He asked me why I didn't sell the special products of my hometown." Zhao Yunchao recalled that customers thought that Qiuyue pears were a local specialty and had other advantages. The quality that local pears do not have, "He woke me up with one sentence." He did what he said, and after registering for a business license, he opened a fruit shop online, specializing in various fruits including Qiuyue pears.

  an idea to grow a business

  Now sell 200 boxes today

  Zhao Yunchao was very pleasantly surprised by this attempt.

When selling free-range chickens, there may only be a few orders per day.

While also selling Qiuyue pears online, he sold 10 or 20 orders a day at the beginning, and soon became 40 or 50 orders, or even hundreds of orders.

  "In the third year, I was able to sell more than 100 boxes every day." Zhao Yunchao said that as the business got better and better, he encountered a new test.

"Slowly, the pears in our family were not enough to sell, so I went to the surrounding area to look at other people's Qiuyue pears, and found that some people's pears taste better."

  If you want customers to be sticky, the best way is to ensure word of mouth.

What Zhao Yunchao has to do is to jump out of his own small circle and find a bigger stage.

Therefore, every mid-August, when the pears are not yet fully ripe, he has already started to look for delicious pears in the gardens of various fruit farmers, no longer limited to his own fruit trees.

  Many people like to taste the taste of pears, more or less with their own subjective feelings, but Zhao Yunchao believes that it is more convincing to use instruments such as a sugar tester to prove whether pears are sweet or not.

  Over the past few years, after visiting the surrounding orchards, Zhao Yunchao already knows which family has the sweetest pears and which family has the smallest pear pits.

  "I choose Qiuyue pear. I usually pick 4 fruits from this tree, and then test the sugar content. It must reach more than 12.5% ​​to meet the purchase standard." Zhao Yunchao said that at his peak, he could sell 600 per day. There are many boxes of Qiuyue pears, with an average daily sales of about 200 boxes.

  Zhao Yunchao's online store is getting better and better, and he has more confidence in himself.

Two or three months ago, he contracted the customer service of the online store to a company that employs people with disabilities to concentrate on running the online store.

"We in Malianzhuang Town also grow melons and other agricultural products. When they are ripe, I will recommend them to customers."

  After learning about Zhao Yunchao's self-improvement deeds, the staff of Alibaba Public Welfare Daily Positive Energy decided to give him a special reward of 10,000 yuan.

  Text/Reporter Dong Zhenjie (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)