A competition was held in Kochi City to compete for the appearance of the Akita dog, which is also designated as a national natural monument.

This competition is held in various places every year by a preservation society headquartered in Akita Prefecture to help protect and breed Akita dogs. The head came to the examination.

Judging was done by age and sex of the dog, and the judges carefully checked whether the tail was neatly curled, whether the ears were straight, and whether the teeth were well aligned.

Fans of Akita dogs, not only from within the prefecture but also from overseas, visited the venue and watched the judging process with great interest.

A woman who watched the event commented, "There aren't many opportunities to see many fine Akita dogs at once, so I had a lot of fun. You might think they're big and scary, but they're adorable and loyal to their owners." I thought again that he was a good dog," he said.