The resolution of the European Parliament on the recognition of Russia as a country sponsoring terrorism, which many perceived only as a declaration, is beginning to grow into politically significant decisions.

The statement of the French representatives about the start of work on the creation of some kind of “international tribunal” for Russian crimes was quickly picked up both in Brussels and in a number of capitals of European states, and now the European Commission has also joined in the work on creating mechanisms for the seizure of Russian assets.

The statement of the representatives of the European Commission on November 30 about the impossibility of direct confiscation of the frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia due to legal restrictions should not embarrass anyone: on the one hand, “when necessary”, the West violates the rules it has written itself, without thinking about the consequences, because it sincerely believes that the rules are his and they can be rewritten at any time.

Moreover, the West already has a resolution of the General Assembly on the possibility of Russia paying reparations in favor of Ukraine, which is also, as it were, recommendatory, but politically it should not be underestimated.

The adoption of this resolution, by the way, is a difficult but necessary lesson for Russia: in the era of direct confrontation with the collective West, do not neglect the methods of shadow influence on small and medium-sized countries.

But the scheme proposed in pan-European structures, when instead of formal confiscation, a certain “management fund” is created to manage liquid assets, more than clearly reveals the real goals and objectives of Kyiv’s European partners and sponsors.

This, in fact, means that the Europeans are feverishly looking for mechanisms to reduce the burden of the "Ukrainian tribute", in the extortion of which Kyiv has recently become completely unbearable.

And if the United States demonstrates that the Zelensky regime has no more “open account”, then the European bureaucrats all the more do not want to pull this cart alone.

Especially looking at how rudely the Americans began to put pressure on the Europeans in trade relations, despite the mutual smiles of Biden and Macron.

So the readiness to use the profits from managing Russian assets to pay Ukraine can be trusted, but hardly.

Let's look at the idea of ​​including Russian assets in the European financial turnover from the other side.

Europe, frozen in anticipation of a powerful financial crisis, needs liquidity like air, especially the one that can be obtained for free without paying interest.

Russian liquid assets – both those that Europeans can reach now and those that the most radical Russophobic part of the European elites hope to receive in the event of the collapse of Russia – are needed to mitigate the sharp drop in the competitiveness of the European economy.

Hence, by the way, the seeming irrationality in behavior, in particular on the issue of the ceiling on the price of hydrocarbons: the European elites simply mark their own for the future, not particularly caring about the immediate consequences.

Consistency and consistency cannot be denied to the modern collective West, especially if economic interests are behind political actions.

The formation of a legal framework for the confiscation of Russian assets, not only state and corporate, but in the near future, individuals, including those who “choose the right side of history” and now prove their “Europeanness”, will proceed at a very fast pace.

No, this is not a primitive racket.

This is building a full-fledged colonial system along the lines of the 19th century, but in new technological realities.

A system on the basis of which they will try to revive the European socio-economic well-being in conditions when global geo-economic independence has been completely lost.

This is about the prospects for restoring Russian-European strategic cooperation.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.