Health and Epidemic "Heart" Guide | How to Adjust the Mental Health of the Elderly at Home

  What mental health problems may the elderly have when they stay at home for a long time due to the epidemic?

Hear what the experts have to say.

  Kuang Li, director of the Department of Psychiatry at Chongqing Medical University, said that an elderly person who likes to stay at home does not mean that he only stays in his room every day and does not go out at all. He must also be uncomfortable after a long time.

For another group of elderly people who like to go out for a walk or get together with friends. They are still in good health. They may be anxious and irritable when they stay at home for a long time. After a long period of anxiety, they will show anxiety exhaustion and depression. Appeared, no interest in things I liked in the past.

  Kuang Li told reporters that the psychological problems of the elderly are usually manifested as reticence, especially easy to lose their temper.

Eating, drinking, and sleeping may all change, that is, eating, eating, poor sleep, and constipation may occur.

  Experts suggest that the elderly should calmly express their needs to their children. If the elderly has bad emotions such as losing their temper, the children should empathize with their parents and convey to their parents "I know and understand your emotions, and I want to help you" It means that you can first use body language such as hugging and holding hands to ease the parents' emotions, then listen patiently to their appeals, and finally help the parents solve their worries.

  Experts also said that special attention should be paid to the mental health of the elderly living alone.

For the elderly living alone with children, their children should contact the elderly more frequently by phone during the period when they are at home due to the epidemic, to understand the needs of life and comfort their emotions.

For the elderly living alone without children, the community should take the responsibility of caring for the physical and mental health of the elderly.

  Reporters: Zhang Qin, Gu Xun

  Production: Xinhua FM studio

  Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department
