
Bruce Almighty

, the 2003 comedy starring Jim Carrey?

Well know that a sequel was planned before the project was unfortunately buried.

And there is reason to be disappointed since after being given divine powers by God himself in the first part, the character should have replaced Lucifer.

Besides, the film should have been called



Jim Carrey was motivated

"Jim Carrey's manager wanted him to do


 ," said Steven Koren, one of the original film's three screenwriters, in an interview with SyFy Wire.

"We pitched the project but it didn't really take off," he continues.

It would have been another huge movie, but I don't think the studios wanted to do it.

It just didn't work out, but a lot of people liked the project, including Jim.



Jim Carrey Wants to Make an “Ace Ventura” Movie Again… But Requires a Specific Director

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  • jim carrey

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