Bitcoin is a prominent cryptocurrency. This virtual currency has gained immense worldwide acceptance and is even going mainstream. Satoshi Nakamoto created this electronic asset as an alternative to fiat currency and a response to the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Therefore, people can trade, sell or buy Bitcoin via Immediate Edge. For the past decade, this electronic currency has been around, it has positively impacted the world, and many people are using cash to make money. 

There are tons of ways people can utilize this digital asset to make money. Mining and trading are the most common ways people get this digital asset. Mining this virtual asset is a highly complex computing process that uses complicated computer code to create a secure cryptographic system. In other words, Bitcoin mining involves solving very complex mathematical equations. Moreover, Bitcoin mining supports this virtual asset database called the blockchain. Thousands of computer nodes help to run the blockchain technology and help to verify and record transactions. 

Blockchain technology is also essential as it helps prevent fraudulent transactions and activities, such as someone attempting to transfer this electronic currency they do not own. Moreover, mining this electronic asset is legal in some countries; however, China banned its citizens from mining the coin. 

When anyone wants to start mining this electronic currency, they should invest in computer equipment that is specific for mining and usually requires access to a low-cost energy source. These virtual money transactions that need to be verified are put together in blocks. These blocks stack up together to create the blockchain.

Mining this electronic asset involves two methods. One, you could choose to practice solo mining or pool mining. Solo mining requires mining this electronic currency on your own to earn profits. However, solo mining requires very specialized mining hardware. 

In other words, mining this electronic currency is the core process that secures the Bitcoin network, and it is the process that creates new Bitcoins and releases them into circulation. 

How Much One Can Make From Mining Bitcoin

Despite mining this digital currency being difficult, it is good to try. Bitcoin miners receive rewards in the form of new Bitcoins and transaction costs. However, Bitcoin's mining rewards every ten minutes are roughly the same. This digital currency pays out a mining reward each time a new block enters the permanent record of transactions. Moreover, this virtual asset goes through a halving process every four years after people mine 210,000 Bitcoins. This halving process divides the rewards into two, and currently, after mining, the current reward one earns is 6.25BTC. The halving process helps ensure that Bitcoin's value increases because demand increases due to limited supply. 

Besides the reward, these digital currency miners also receive proceeds from transaction fees assessed automatically when this virtual asset goes from one digital wallet to another. Unlike the block reward, transaction costs do not get sent out. However, these transaction costs vary based on network conditions. 

Electricity Costs Associated With Bitcoin Mining

Mining this virtual asset is expensive as it consumes a lot of energy. Unless you have a cheap source of electricity, your mining costs may exceed whatever you make in rewards. For instance, as of June 2022, this electronic currency network consumes 91.7 TWh of electricity annually, meaning that this virtual asset uses more electricity than in countries like Belgium. 

These digital currency users also constantly download and upload data. So, it is essential to mine for this virtual asset on an unmetered, unlimited internet connection. 


Bitcoin mining is vital as it ensures that this electronic currency remains in circulation. Everyone can participate in Bitcoin mining using specialized computer hardware.