Under the pressure of increasingly fierce competition, the "reverse postgraduate entrance examination" has attracted attention——

  Is there really a "reverse" in studying for further study?

  The 2023 National Postgraduate Admissions Examination will be held in December.

Compared with 3.77 million in 2021 and 4.57 million in 2022, the number of applicants for the postgraduate entrance examination in 2023 will hit a record high.

Under the increasingly fierce competition for postgraduate entrance examinations, "reverse postgraduate entrance examination" has become a hot word that has been frequently mentioned recently.

  The so-called "reverse postgraduate entrance examination" refers to the phenomenon that undergraduate graduates of "double first-class" universities (that is, world-class universities and universities with first-class discipline construction) apply for graduate students from non-"double first-class" universities (referred to as "double non" universities).

  159 postgraduate freshmen from Wuhan University of Science and Technology come from "Double First-Class" universities; 96 undergraduates from Zhejiang University apply for postgraduate entrance examinations at Hangzhou Dianzi University; new graduate students from Guangzhou University include students from Peking University, Fudan University and other universities... Some "Double African "The information disclosed by colleges and universities for graduate students in the class of 2022 shows that the school has attracted many students from "double first-class" colleges and universities.

  "The 'reverse postgraduate entrance examination' is actually the result of a combination of various factors, including the influence of the external environment and the active choice of candidates after weighing. For some candidates, there may be a little helplessness." Professor of the School of Education, Capital Normal University Xue Haiping explained that the phenomenon of "reverse postgraduate entrance examination" is inseparable from the increasingly fierce competition for postgraduate entrance examinations. The number of postgraduate entrance examinations has increased sharply; on the other hand, some "Double-Africa" ​​colleges and universities also have advantageous majors and high-quality teachers, which are recognized by the society;

  "The term 'reverse postgraduate entrance examination' itself is open to question, because personal growth and development is a curve rather than a straight line process." Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, believes that at the undergraduate stage, different students' original nature and abilities can be more fully developed. It clearly shows that, as a new screening process, the postgraduate entrance examination has lengthened the period of individual choice macroscopically.

After choosing again, individuals can effectively combine their nature, superior potential and social needs to achieve good development.

  Not only the postgraduate entrance examination, but "reverse education" also exists in other stages of further study.

"The one that suits you is the best." Fan Zongjian, who studied in a "double first-class" university as an undergraduate, chose Xinjiang Normal University when he was admitted for a doctoral degree.

Fan Zongjian told the reporter that compared with the school, he values ​​the professional strength of the subject and the scientific research level of the tutor more.

  "Xinjiang Normal University's School of Marxism is a national key Marxist school with unique characteristics in running a school. Moreover, the school attaches great importance to personnel training, which not only plays an active role in recruiting students, but also provides inter-school exchange opportunities for doctoral students. The school can also obtain the support of the talent introduction policy.” Fan Zongjian said that he made the choice that suits him only after comprehensively considering relevant factors.

  From evaluating the overall strength of colleges and universities to focusing on the evaluation of college disciplines and strengthening the value of majors is a positive result of my country's overall planning to promote the construction of "double first-class" colleges and universities.

Xue Haiping introduced that for some "double non" colleges and universities, under the school-running philosophy of "specialized and special, specialized and refined, specialized and excellent", some excellent majors will also be produced.

When more high-quality students flow to "Double-Africa" ​​universities because of postgraduate entrance examinations, it will help to attract educational resources to optimize the allocation of "Double-Africa" ​​universities, and drive the improvement of majors and school strengths.

  "Currently, our country has two to three thousand colleges and universities, of which only over a hundred are 'double first-class' universities. To promote the high-quality development of higher education, we must give full play to the autonomy and respective advantages of 'double non' universities. Two-way leapfrogging of graduate students Applying for the examination at different levels makes the postgraduate education space open up to a higher degree, forming a broader flat space suitable for postgraduate study. The larger the space, the stronger the mobility, and the higher quality of higher education will increase.” Chu Zhaohui said.

  The "reverse postgraduate entrance examination" has impacted the social concept of only famous schools to a certain extent, so how should we treat the only academic theory behind the enthusiasm for postgraduate entrance examinations reflected?

Xue Haiping believes that the emphasis on academic qualifications is closely related to the current employment environment. Many positions regard graduate education as a barrier to entry, or artificially raise recruitment conditions due to fierce competition.

However, with the continuous refinement of the social division of labor, excessive education may far exceed the requirements of the job, which not only wastes educational resources, but also is not conducive to job stability.

He suggested that employers should change the concept of recruitment, from only academic theory to focusing on the matching of abilities and positions.

  Xue Haiping further emphasized that this is not really "reverse", "individuals should measure from a longer time dimension, use future employment and development to prove themselves, and go to a 'positive' life".

  Shi Lina