Large living people are "sacrificed" on the Internet, and the platform has an inescapable legal responsibility.

The Internet is not an extrajudicial space. It should be a green and civilized Internet sacrifice. We must not allow all kinds of chaos to run like wild horses.

  People are still alive, but they have been sacrificed 43,000 times by the Internet, and no one can calm down when encountering them.

Recently, Lulu, a girl from Xiamen, Fujian Province, learned from a friend that an online sacrificial platform has a memorial hall for her, including a mourning hall, her detailed personal information and photos.

  In all fairness, online sacrifices have many advantages. Compared with traditional sacrifices, they are both environmentally friendly and safer.

But the question is, can a living person be sacrificed?

Isn't it weird?

  Lulu believes that the platform has violated her portrait rights and reputation rights, and requires the platform to take responsibility.

The platform also confirmed that the situation is true, but because the memorial hall was established many years ago, the real-name registration system had not yet been implemented at that time, and the applicant's information could not be provided.

The court held that the platform did not strictly fulfill its review responsibilities, and did not require registered users to undergo real-name authentication, which caused Lulu's personality rights to be violated, and the platform was judged to bear the tort liability.

  In recent years, some online platforms have been driven by interests, lacked effective auditing, and neglected to protect the privacy of related individuals. This has led to many online ritual chaos such as "building online tombs for living people" and "randomly sealing 'martyrs'".

Xinhua News Agency reported last year that Zhang Liang (pseudonym) had encountered such a bad thing, "When I opened the address link, a webpage popped up, and a picture in the shape of a tombstone not only had my photo and real name on it, but also an offering at the bottom. "Because someone was spoofing, he was very angry when he built an online tomb on the online sacrificial platform.

The tomb was deleted after several contacts with the website.

The reporter searched multiple online sacrificial platforms and found that spoofs can indeed succeed easily.

The process of registering this type of online sacrifice platform has almost no review, a mobile phone number is quickly registered, and the information of the network tomb is filled in at will.

  Since there is no real name in the registration, the information is flooded with false information, which makes it difficult to detect even if the police intervene.

Since no specific infringer could be found, some "victims" had to go to legal channels, and the road to rights protection was time-consuming and laborious.

  Why has online sacrifice, an industry that could have benefited the people, become a "severe disaster area" for infringement?

After all, it's nothing more than profit.

On some online sacrifice platforms, incense, candles, flowers, firecrackers, etc. are all available. Except for a few items that are free, many items will jump out of the recharge page as long as you click.

A "luxury car" is 88 yuan, and a "supreme memorial hall" with functions such as "exclusive music" and "exclusive commemorative skin" costs 588 yuan a year and 1888 yuan for 10 years.

Highly priced luxury cars, private jets, high-end villas, brand-name watches, etc. are flooding online sacrifice platforms.

  In order to create more profits, such online sacrifice platforms took advantage of regulatory loopholes and relaxed the verification of the identity information of applicants for online sacrifices and the authenticity of the sacrificed persons.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a real name, just give money; if you want luxury, just give money... This seems to have become the "service" principle of this type of platform.

It is conceivable that if there is no rectification and severe punishment for the chaos of sacrifices, the online sacrifice platform will still go its own way, and there will be more Lulu and Zhang Liang.

  Large living people are "sacrificed" on the Internet, and the platform has an inescapable legal responsibility.

The Internet is not an extrajudicial space. It should be a green and civilized Internet sacrifice. We must not allow all kinds of chaos to run wild like wild horses.

Taking responsibility, making practical rectifications, and plugging loopholes are what the online sacrifice platform must do.

Industry supervision also needs to grow "teeth", and online sacrifices can only move forward healthily if they are on the track of the rule of law in accordance with the law.

  Qin Yan, special commentator of Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News