Seducing is

getting the other person to want what they didn't want at first, and 'buy' it

, literally or figuratively.

Come on, let them take us or 'let's take to the orchard'.

It may seem tricky, but it doesn't have to be.


seduction is not essentially harmful


Although misunderstood or used, it could become so.

I consider that there are too many times that we use it for our own interest, without thinking about the other party.

We sign up for medals as if it were a championship, instead of

seeing the other person as a human being, who feels and wants, like you


The key is that the result of this seduction is a 'win-win', that is, that all parties involved win.

If you feel that this type of healthy seduction does not exist in your life, either by action or reception of it, I invite you to rethink your relationship models.

"Red flags", "Ghosting", "Breadcrumbing" or other lies go viral and become fashionable, as if we would miss something interesting if we didn't put it into practice or if they didn't do it to us at some point in our lives.

However, we can do without all this, I assure you.

My proposal?

Let's bet on the 'Green flags' for once and

let's make 'Hardballing' fashionable

because, finally, a trend is emerging

that rewards the clarity of the encounters in the face of deceptive seduction


Relaxed and trust-based meetings.

Sounds good right?

What is 'Hardballing'?

It is about something as healthy and recommended as

being very clear with potential partners about what you are looking for in a relationship


Even though it literally translates to 'play rough,'

it doesn't mean you have to show all your "misery" on the first date


Honesty aside, show your best version, of course, and some confessable failures, because it is not a plan to discover everything at the first opportunity, nor at all appointments;

but if it comes up, let go, it's risky but why not give it a try?

The important thing is that

the message is consistent with who we really are, feel and want,

something wonderful if you don't invent

According to the study "What women (don't) want" by Bumble, the dating application where women take the first step, single Spanish men and women value the same three traits:

sense of humor (73%), sexual attraction (63%) and shared values ​​(60%).

Well then, let

's use humor as human glue and not to make ourselves funny when we are not

, nor will we be.

Let's conquer with our natural and unique sex appeal, because we all have our point;

yes, you'll have to find him if you can't see him anywhere, but don't pretend to be someone you're not, in bed or out.

And what better value than sincerity?

According to the results obtained in the aforementioned research, the pandemic has been shown to be a very different experience between the generations of Millennials or Generation Y, born between the 1980s and the late 1990s, and its successor, Generation Z, which includes the born between 1997 and 2012, approximately, and is known for being the first digital generation.

'Hardballing' is hitting hard, especially for

Spanish millennials: almost three out of four

(79%) of this sector of the population say they have a very clear idea of ​​what they are looking for and

do not want emotional games or vagueness


perhaps they have already experienced them in the past and are aware of what they exhaust, hurt and waste time.

However, more than one in four (28%) of

Gen Zers

are taking the opposite approach,

focusing more on exploration and rejecting a prescriptive approach to dating,

an issue that fits their vital moment of relational experimentation and training for maturation in all areas of self-knowledge and that of others.

And even more so,

having changed so much the format to connect and flirt in the digital age in which they were born


It is true that the digital age makes many things easier for us, but it also complicates others.

Regarding this, and on the occasion of the round table organized by Bumble to analyze his study, Marta, one of Devermut's influencers, stated that "at a time when

relationships last less and less

, we find ourselves before a ritual of appointments in which we present the best version of ourselves and the other person must discover how we really are".

In relation to this "posturing of relationships", the actress

Ana Milán

confessed that her best relationships "

have been when I have not followed any type of strategy.

When I have used them, they have always gone to hell. I have come to send messages in airplane mode so they don't see me online."

In this sense, while Sara, from Devermut, made it clear that for her her main 'red flag' is "not flowing from day to day and having too many worries planning the future", for Ana Milán, a great 'green flag' is "

A good conversation and a sense of humor

. For me this is synonymous with intelligence and there are few things more erotic than a shared laugh."

In the opinion of Marta, from Devermut, that "

with age and experience, we are learning to discard things

. You are more clear about what your 'red flags' are and what you are not looking for in a relationship".

In short, and despite the different expectations and behavior codes,

both men and women seek the same thing


But are we sincere about what we are and what we want?

Could it be that age makes us more sincere?

I trust that, if it is used well, yes.

But age does not give it series.

We have to become aware.

And as the final icing on the cake, this phrase with which Ana Milán remembered her grandmother: "The secret is not in playing tough or not, but in knowing how to manage our times."

Ana Sierra

is a psycho-sexologist

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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