• The city of Lyon has set itself the goal of reducing its energy consumption by 10% in one year.

  • To this end, it has drawn up a sobriety plan comprising 18 measures which will be put in place this winter.

  • Among which is the extinction of heritage buildings lit at nightfall since 1989 and which had earned Lyon its nickname of "city of light".

  • From now on, they will be off six evenings of the week, Saturday being an exception.

This year, the city of Lyon's energy bill will double, from 25 to 50 million euros.

“We are faced with an unprecedented financial shock, underlines Sylvain Godinot, deputy in charge of ecological transition and heritage.

This has never happened since the second oil shock in 1979. This crisis forces us to question our habits.


On Tuesday afternoon, the municipality presented 18 measures that will be implemented this winter to reduce the city's energy consumption by 10% in one year.

“We are not going to lie to each other, we are not going to go with the back of the spoon”, warns Steven Vasselin, elected official in charge of steering the working group which drew up this “energy sobriety plan”.

This time, all the political parties gathered around the table, ignoring their differences.

Everyone is aware of the need to act quickly so as not to blow up the next bills.

Between 2010 and 2020, the city of Lyon managed to reduce its consumption by 7%.

This shows that the objective is ambitious, especially since all public services will remain open.

Extinguishment of public lighting between 2 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.

Among the main measures, some relate to public lighting.

If the Festival of Lights will be maintained given its "marginal" consumption, the "lighting plan" set up by Michel Noir in 1989, which consisted of illuminating the most beautiful buildings in the city in order to highlight them at night fallen, will be damn planed.

The main buildings, whether the basilica of Fourvière, the Saint-Jean cathedral, the town hall or the faculties located on the quays of the Rhône, will be plunged into darkness, every evening of the week, except for Saturday. .

"That evening, they will be lit as soon as night falls and only until 11 p.m.", specifies Grégory Doucet, the mayor of Lyon.

And to add, at the time of sacrifices, that "even if they are an integral part of the heritage,

Christmas illuminations will also be reduced by two weeks, while public lighting will be interrupted four evenings a week, from Sunday to Wednesday, between 2 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.

The city of Lyon was inspired for this by experiments carried out in Lorient and Francheville.

“The feedback we have has been positive.

None mentions an increase in insecurity problems in the middle of the night when the lights are off,” reassures Sylvain Godinot.

The streetlights will be reactivated before the metro goes into service, he specifies.

The second part of the sobriety plan concerns heating, which accounts for two-thirds of energy consumption.

In municipal buildings, the temperature will be reduced to 18 degrees, from 19 degrees.

Nurseries, schools, libraries will not be affected, nor will retirement homes or nursing homes.

The ignition of the heating, which was to have been started on October 15, will be postponed to November 1.

Finally, the temperature of the gymnasiums will be lowered to 14 degrees, and that of the water in the swimming pools to 25 degrees, against 28 previously.


Energy sobriety: In Lyon, there is no question of canceling the Festival of Lights


Energy crisis: Paris presses the switch for advertising screens

  • Lyons

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Planet

  • Energy sobriety

  • Crisis

  • Economy

  • Electricity

  • Festival of Lights