Anna Teljfors is a risk and crisis communicator and has helped develop MSB's crisis list, which can be found in the brochure "If the crisis or the war comes".

According to her, it is due to several different factors that culture is not on today's crisis list.

- First of all, we think that it is boring to have a government list of how to have fun, such a country is not Sweden.  

But even if you don't recommend a specific cultural expression, why don't you include something about culture in general?

- Because we published it in 2018. Back then there was a lot of other things that had to be included, to make people aware that a crisis could happen.  

Greater crisis awareness today  

Anna Teljfors believes that we in Sweden today, after both the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have a completely different and deeper understanding of what a crisis can be. 

- It is possible that now in a new version, when people know more about the crisis, we get to include the culture in some form.  

MSB as an authority was formed in 2009 and it is not that their crisis list had culture included and then removed.

But the author and journalist Göran Greider believes that it is crucial to think about culture at the same moment you begin to imagine a crisis. 

- Regardless of the crisis we find ourselves in, there is a point in seeing what man can achieve, both the worst and the best.

We need to get to know ourselves and we do that through art and literature.  

Today MSB has no recommendations on bringing culture, what do you think about that?  

- I think that testifies to total obliviousness to the role of culture!

Without culture, the crisis will be experienced as even deeper, says Göran Greider.