
Abdullah Al Qamzi

October 03, 2022

Confusion, confusion, or confusion is one of the things that happen to us on a daily basis, even for those who plan their lives in advance.

You may find her confused not knowing what to wear for her work, or you may find him confused not knowing which smartphone to buy.

Or you find a person who reads a story about a match in a tournament and answers a question about another match in another tournament for the same two teams, for example.

Or you find a person standing confused in front of a queue dealing with numbers, but he does not know where to take his number, and when he asks, he discovers that receiving the numbers at “Counter No. 1” in that place means that he has to skip the queue until he takes his number, and usually the number extraction device is isolated in a prominent place aside.

Students get confused a lot during the study period and exams, and during the university period, you find them confused, not knowing which specialization to take.

Confusion may be the future itself and its options. This future is one of the most ambiguous matters in our lives, especially when things are turned upside down and a new reality is imposed on us, about which certain decisions must be taken.

The person who asks the most may be the most confused, but that does not mean that the person with the answers is the smartest.

Here, personality types play a big role to add to the confusion.

A person appears to you who wants to prove to you his intelligence and he himself is confused like you, but he is skilled in concealing his confusion, so he gives you answers that confuse you more and do not serve you in anything, because all that is in the matter is that he is trying to prove his intelligence and his personality on you while he himself does not know anything and does not have the answer to your questions, not even his questions .

Their answers are usually derived from their deep educational experience or are simply incorrect.

If someone comes to you who wants to impose his personality on you and takes advantage of your confusion, he tells you that you have flaws and you have to fix them, so you believe him and doubt yourself, but when you look at him closely, you find that he has nothing to give you at all.

The person who wants to help you to get you out of your confusion will never highlight your flaws, but on the contrary will help you out by highlighting your strengths and reminding you of who you really are and boosting your confidence in yourself. .

But is confusion a bad thing?

No, not always.

Confusion often makes you postpone decisions for a while, after which your mind will be in a clear state with which you can make a better decision.


A decade and a half ago, we were in Bangkok doing a TV report, and our intuition as journalists is to end our report with a snapshot in the midst of people to breathe life into the picture.

We never could because of the crowding in the place and the human masses flowing between me and the photographer.

We got confused and decided to put off filming for an hour and then realized we had a train station behind us.

I decided to dispense with the human spirit in favor of "action", convinced that it was the solution and concluded my report with a train leaving the station in the background with noise almost covering my voice, and it was a good decision.

To get rid of confusion, sometimes you have to change part of the picture and you don't have to take everything that is in front of you.

• The person who wants to help you out of your confusion will never point out your flaws.


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