There is such a group of young people who have also fallen into confusion and anxiety when faced with a major they dislike, but they choose to be responsible for the status quo, and at the same time, they continue to explore "left and right", and finally achieve a "return against the wind".


  "After studying a major I don't like, am I unable to get out of the 'Tiankeng'?" It was just a month after the start of freshman year, and Xu Bin often had this question in his mind, feeling that the next four years were full of gray.

  Xu Bin University volunteered to be transferred to a major he didn't like, "I was confused when I checked the admission notice."

Originally, he wanted to get used to the school well and face it with a new mentality, but after a few weeks of class, he found that it was against his will to study a major he didn't like.

  I don't like my major, I don't have the motivation or confidence to study, I don't know what to do... Every semester starts, there are not a few college freshmen who feel tormented by studying a major they don't like.

Some people are anxious and "rotten" at the same time, unable to extricate themselves from regrets and complaints, and even fall into a vicious circle in schoolwork.

  There are also such a group of young people who have also fallen into confusion and anxiety when faced with a major they dislike, but they choose to be responsible for the status quo, and at the same time, they continue to explore "left and right", and finally achieve a "return against the wind".

Experience "dislike", only to be more determined to love

  "I was studying economics 7 years ago, and I never imagined that I would be so cool 7 years later!" Liu Wei, who graduated with a major in economics, after working in the education industry for 3 years, used the salary she saved to apply for education at her favorite overseas university. For further study, "it didn't cost parents a penny".

  Because of the failure of the college entrance examination, Liu Wei's college major was decided by her parents, and the purpose is very clear - colleges and universities in the province, good employment.

At that time, Liu Wei's favorite major was law, but she didn't have enough marks, so she chose to follow her parents' arrangement to study economics.

  Liu Wei had no interest in the economics major, and high math became the "enemy of life". She began to skip classes, and even failed the course once in her freshman year, because her grade point was too low to miss the opportunity to change her major.

  The decadent days are too difficult, Liu Wei tries to divert her attention.

In order to fill the time, she started part-time jobs in her sophomore year: handing out flyers and brushing hot and spicy dishes.

After working for two days, Liu Wei felt that pure manual labor was very worthless.

In her third year, she tried the tutoring industry, which opened the door to a new world.

  Liu Wei discovered the joy of teaching, and then she went to an educational institution as a teaching assistant, and received the first praise from her elders and teachers since she went to college: "You love children, you are more emotional, but logical, so you are very suitable for education." Liu Wei Wei was greatly encouraged, and the frustration and powerlessness brought about by studying a professional course that she was not good at was cured at that moment.

  Senior Liu Wei decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination. This time, she chose to fully communicate with her parents. Her mother said to her: "In one's life, there is a certain amount of rice to eat. Which major you choose depends on what you are good at, what you like, and what you can do What to do." Liu Wei applied for an education-related major, but she missed it again, so she decided to work first.

  Liu Wei entered an online education company. During the 7 days of the re-examination inspection, Liu Wei was often kicked off by the leaders halfway through the class.

During the whole re-examination period, Liu Wei only slept for 20 hours, and she revised and practiced the lesson plan countless times in order to clarify "what the metaphor is and what it does".

  At the final assessment on the seventh day, there were many students in the group who graduated from famous schools, and some had opened educational institutions for 3 years, while Liu Wei, who graduated from "Shuangfei" university in economics and had zero experience in online education, became the "only two" out of 12 people. company people.

  "An economics professor said that I have no future in giving up business education, but I have never regretted it. I have gained love, confidence and trust from every class, every handout, and every affirmation from my parents. The sense of meaning and achievement brought by education is more valuable than the so-called high salary in business." Liu Wei found that after going through a major that she didn't like, she was more determined to do what she liked.

  Yang Mei, a retired psychology professor at Capital University of Economics and Business, said that studying a major you don't like will inhibit people's growth motivation, so it is important to choose the "right" major.

"There is a saying in English that is very telling: If you love your job, you will never have to work a day in your life, I try to translate it as: If you love your job, then you will never need a day in your life." work', as well as professional issues."

  For everyone, the "right" major is the major that most meets the subjective and objective conditions, and also the major that can inspire our enthusiasm the most.

If we are engaged in what we love, although we will still encounter difficulties and obstacles, the process of struggle, the peak experience after struggle and the ultimate self-realization will make people experience the meaning and value of life with a sense of happiness.

Constructing "Return Capital" with a Responsible Attitude

  Zhou You never thought that he would learn Russian.

Due to the unsatisfactory college entrance examination, she passed by her favorite Japanese major and was transferred to Russian major.

  Realizing not liking Russian was in the first two years of college.

At first, Zhou You was a little disappointed because of his lack of strength, but he felt that it would be good to learn another language and learn more about a culture.

But Zhou You found that he did not have the motivation to contact Russian outside of schoolwork.

The thought of having to face Russian 8 hours a day after work fills my heart with reluctance.

  I don't like it, I don't like it, Zhou You didn't relax his professional class because of this.

The words that should be memorized are memorized well, and the dialogues that should be practiced are not ambiguous at all.

There are many Russian credits, and the freshman and sophomore majors are arranged from 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon.

Zhou You still insists on learning everything he needs to learn. He also learns Japanese by himself, participates in Japanese clubs and Japanese cultural exchange activities inside and outside the school, and passes the N1 exam.

  After the end of the junior year, Zhou You's total credits and GPA ranked first in the class, which means that the qualification for postgraduate study is just around the corner.

However, Zhou You gave up his postgraduate qualifications, applied for a famous Japanese school by himself, and also applied for a full scholarship.

  "In the second semester of my sophomore year, I was at the interview site for the selection of a small language position. I watched the outstanding peers from all over the country doing their best, and suddenly I understood that even if my grades and language level are similar to theirs now, but After that I can never do better than them. Because they can reach 100% of their potential, and because I have no interest, I will definitely invest less time and energy than them professionally.”

  In Zhou You's view, undergraduate majors are not important enough to set the tone for life. The important thing is to find out what you want to do most and prepare for it.

Grasp the time after class, the time to participate in clubs, and the time of winter and summer vacations. "To realize that you have sufficient capital to make a comeback, the key depends on how you use it."

  "When you have your own 'like', cherish your 'like', cherish the impulse called courage, use actions to prove 'like', and don't let yourself regret it."

  In Yang Mei's view, although I don't like it, but studying hard in a very responsible way will produce an important by-product: making a person have the basic personality traits that are required for any job, such as seriousness, responsibility, dedication, and self-discipline, and become a person The very important "transformation capital" allows people to have the initiative to adapt to changes in the ever-changing era of artificial intelligence.

"Even if you don't like it, you can 'curve to save the country' and finally reach your destination."

How to stop losses in time and make life smooth?

  Jiang You's college major was also "arranged" by his parents.

When he really studied computer science, Jiang You realized how terrible it was that he didn't understand the major in detail - he was in a daze most of the time in class; for scientific research and internship projects in the laboratory, he could only finish by the deadline; even though he knew the task was completed It's not perfect, nor motivated to think about how to optimize.

  On the other hand, most of the other students are really passionate about computer science, and they also like to fiddle with programming in their spare time.

Jiang You fell into a tormented situation, "I seem to have become a fish without dreams, struggling in the quagmire, only able to sustain my life."

  After learning a major that you don't like, how to stop your losses in time and better "return against the wind"?

  Yang Mei suggested that first of all, everyone should learn about the university's policy through the student handbook: if you don't like your current major, you can apply for a major change in your second year if your grades are up to the standard in your freshman year.

Therefore, it is a very important opportunity for students who once had clear professional goals but did not apply because of their parents. The key is to ensure that the grades in each subject during the freshman year are up to standard.

  Secondly, students who don’t like their current major and don’t know what major they are suitable for can, on the condition that their freshman grades are up to standard, go to a foreign department to attend classes, communicate with teachers and counselors, and listen to the various schools organized by the school. Expert lectures, participating in 1-2 clubs, reading classic works of literature, history and philosophy in the library, and personal thinking, etc., to understand their needs, interests, abilities, talents, and personality characteristics.

If the efficiency of personal exploration is too low, the most scientific and effective way is to go to the school's psychological counseling room to discuss with counselors and specialized career planning teachers, and try to discover your strengths as much as possible.

  "If these efforts can't make you recognize what you are most suitable for in your freshman year, or you can't change your major due to external constraints, then we can also use a second degree minor, postgraduate entrance examination, internship or job search to achieve your own goals. Professional recognition."

  Yang Mei pointed out that if we can't do what we like for some reason, we should learn to like what we do.

"Do what you like" or "like what you do" is a straightened life. You must accept the reality and work hard to like the process of what you do, and accumulate "transformation capital".

  After struggling for half a year, Jiang You was determined to change his internal friction.

He tried to change his mind, no longer thinking about what he would have done if he had chosen another major, but looking for more possibilities on the road he had chosen.

During the summer vacation of freshman year, Jiang You followed his teacher to do scientific research, and accidentally discovered that the direction of cognitive psychology was very interesting.

At the same time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the study of computer science has provided assistance to the study of psychology major, and the combination of the two has also opened up new academic ideas.

  Jiang You successfully applied for a master's degree in Cognitive Psychology. In his opinion, if you don't like the original major, it is useless to be immersed in regrets and "what ifs". It is better to try it down to the ground, to get your life in order, and then Consider how to achieve "reverse wind".

  Yu Bingyue, a trainee reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily Source: China Youth Daily