At the press conference held by the Ministry of Education on September 27, Liu Changya, director of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced that in 2021, the number of teachers in physical education, art and labor technology courses in compulsory education nationwide will reach 674,000, 830,000 and 109,000 respectively. People, compared with ten years ago, increased by 55.4%, 52.3% and 18.3% respectively.

95% of schools across the country can guarantee students one hour of physical exercise time in school every day, and nearly 87% of students have received art education in primary and secondary schools.

Establish 96 national primary and secondary labor education experimental zones, and demonstrate to drive local primary and secondary schools to vigorously carry out labor education, and achieve the requirement of no less than 1 class hour per week.

(produced by Le Xiaomin)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]